Copy FileHandle Object

Copy FileHandle Object

Use case

PLFM-3672 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Project organizer set a rule of how files should be uploaded to the project. However, contributors doesn't follow the rule. This results in files uploaded in a wrong format and previews are not generated. Project organizer needs a way to change the file name, file content type, and the preview of the FileEntity in Synapse. The current work around is downloading the file from Synapse, change the file content type, and then re-upload the file as a new version of a file entity. 

The current solution for changing the file name does not work for files that are not file entity:  PLFM-3457 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Give users a new API that allows them to make a copy of a FileHandle object:

ActionIntended UserURIMethodRequest ParamsRequest BodyResponse Body
Make a copy of a FileHandleanyone who has download permission on the FileHandle/filehandles/copyPOST
fileHandleCopyRequests: List<FileHandleCopyRequest>
fileHandleCopyResults: List<FileHandleCopyResult>

fileHandleAssociation: FileHandleAssociation

newFileName: String
newContentType: String
errorCode: Enum [NotFound, Unauthorized]
newFileHandle: FileHandle
originalFileHandleId: String

Batch size limit: 100.

After the user create a copy of the original FileHandle with the new name and content type, they can then use the new FileHandle to update their FileEntity.

Copy FileHandle Audit Record

For each file included in the results, an audit record will capture the following data:

  • OriginalFileHandleId
  • OriginalAssociatedObjectId
  • OriginalAssociatedObjectType
  • UserId
  • Timestamp
  • NewFileHandleId

Related Issues:

  • Change how user gets presign URL work to always use the FileHandle's fileName and contentType.
  • Deprecate Entity's overrideName field.