User Group Administration
User Group Administration
To manage user groups, log into the Crowd console.
For the Sage production stack the URL is https://prod-crowd.sagebase.org:8443/crowd/
For the 'dev' stack the URL is https://dev-crowd.sagebase.org:8443/crowd/
You may log in with the ID 'platform@sagebase.org'. The password is stored in the passwords file on our Unix system.
Go to the groups tab to do CRUD on groups and to add/remove users. The group 'Administrators' is reserved for Synapse administrators. Any Synapse user added here will have full administrative privileges in Synapse.
There is generally no need to manage Users via Crowd, as they can be created and updated in via Synapse or the REST API. Users may be removed, if necessary, via the Crowd console however.
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