Enabling Tables in Development

Enabling Tables in Development

The tables features is enabled by default for repository services developers. The default endpoint is 'localhost' and the default schema is: 'dev<developername>tables' (ie 'devhilltables').  If this schema does not exist it will need to be created to run a build.

This feature cannot be disabled because entity hierarchy worker depends on it.

Maven Settings

To override the endpoint, schema, and instance count add the following to your settings.xml file:

<settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
    <localRepository />
    <interactiveMode />
    <usePluginRegistry />
    <offline />
    <pluginGroups />
    <mirrors />
    <proxies />
    <activeProfiles />

Each instance must have an endpoint and schema property:

<org.sagebionetworks.table.cluster.endpoint.<index>> where index = 0 - n-1
<org.sagebionetworks.table.cluster.schema.<index>> where index = 0 - n-1