Account Management Use Cases

Account Management Use Cases

The overarching theme of these use cases is that we want Synapse to integrate with Google Apps similar to the way Jira Studio works.  High level guidelines for use case behavior:

  • Users should have single-sign on (SSO) behavior in the browser among their Google and Synapse accounts.  (As of Sprint 5, we have SSO with sagebase.org Google domain, but not general Google accounts.) 
  • We also need to support having users create accounts when they do not have a Google account.  We also need to support creating separate account for R / API access to Synapse services.
  • Users should not have to log-in until they do something that requires authentication.  We want to encourage browsing public content as Anonymous.  

User Logs into Synapse with Google Account 

  1.  From any screen of the application, user selects Login link in upper right corner of the header
  2. Application takes user to log-in screen
  3. User chooses log-in method
    1. User chooses Google log-in
      1. System determines user has an active Google session 
        1. System logs user in
      2. User does not have active Google session
        1. System directs user to Google log-in page for login
    2. User chooses Synapse log-in and supplies valid email and password
      1. System  validates account credentals and logs user in
  4. System redirects user to page they were originally viewing before logging in.

User Creates New Synapse Account

User Logs in With Synapse Account

User Forgets Password for Synapse Account

User Logs out of Synapse