Workflow Developer Bootstrap

Workflow Developer Bootstrap


Instead of following all the instructions on Developer Bootstrap I think we can do something a little more simple for workflow development.

See Developing SWF Workflows for more detail on actually coding workflows.

Initial Setup

  1. Install maven, details on Developer Tools
  2. Create ~/.m2/settings.xml with content similar to sodo:/work/platform/SageCommonsWorkflow/settings.xml but changing "mecham" to your unix username.
  3. Install eclipse, details on Developer Tools
  4. Check out PLFM/trunk
    1. svn co https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/svn/PLFM/trunk
  5. Build everything as described in "Care and Feeding"
  6. In eclipse File -> Import -> Existing Projects Into Workspace
  7. Add M2_REPO variable to eclipse, its value should be something like /Users/deflaux/.m2/repository
    1. click on "services-repository" to highlight it in the left panel - then got to File -> Properties
    2. click on Libraries tab - click on Add Variable - add M2_REPO (see screenshot below)
  8. Get your encrypted password 
    1. mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.sagebionetworks.StringEncrypter" -Dexec.args="<database_password> <your_encryption_key>"
    2. if this is clear as mud, as someone on the platform team to help with this

  9. Add -javaagent:/Users/deflaux/Downloads/aws-java-sdk-1.3.3/third-party/aspectj-1.6/aspectjweaver.jar to the JVM args for test SageCommonsWorkflowTest 

Care and Feeding

Occasionally you'll want to get a refresh copy of all the code and rebuild everything.  You might confirm that the build is green before you do this: https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/builds/browse/PLFM-TRUNK/

cd trunk
svn up
mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Common Problems

Eclipse has red X's

Things to try:

  1. view the "problems" pane and read the error messages from eclipse, if they make sense fix them, if not proceed with these instructions
  2. from the command line, navigate to the project with red X's and run mvn eclipse:eclipse and then go back to eclipse and "refresh" the project
    1. this fixes classpath changes
  3. from the command line, navigate to the project with red X's and run mvn clean install and then go back to eclipse and "refresh" the project
    1. this fixes autogenerated code changes
  4. in eclipse, Project -> Clean -> Clean Selected Projects Below -> OK