Field Name | Description | Synonyms | Column Type | Facet (Y/N) | Required (Y/N) | Destination | Notes |
controlledAccess | are there access restrictions for study data | Access_Type | boolean | ? | N |
assay |
| Assay, assay | string | Y | N |
consortium | consortium or funding organization | Consortium, fundingAgency, consortium | string | Y | Y |
| Is this also a key for mapping? |
contributorInstitution | institutions of PIs | Data_Contributor, institutions, centerName | largeText | N | N |
dataType | data types | DataType_Name/DataType_All, experimentalStrategy | string/list (copy of folder name) | Y | N |
diagnosis | diagnosis/disease focus of study | Diagnosis_or_Model_System, diseaseFocus, | list? | Y | N |
grant | Grant Type (U54 or U01) or Grant ID | Grant, grantType | string | Y | N |
| Is this also a key for mapping? |
model | is source human individual or model | Model_System | string | ? | N |
notes |
| Notes, summarySource | largeText | N | N |
individuals | number of individuals | Number_of_Individuals | string | N | N |
species | species/organism | Organism, Species | string | Y | N |
tissue | tissue | Sample_Type | list | Y | N |
id | synapse id of Study -Synapse project or folder | Study, id, id | entity | N | N |
description | short description for card | Study_Description, summary, description | largeText | N | Y |
studyName | display name of study | Study_Name, projectName, name | largeText | N | Y |
studyType | individual or consortium study | Study_Type | string | Y | N |
cohortType | longitudinal or case-control |
| string | Y | N |
publication | list of publications? |
| list? | N | N |
theme | Research theme | Theme | largeText |
| N |
dataStatus | the current status of the data in the project (None; Under Embargo; Partially Released; Published) | dataStatus | string | Y | N |
contributorName | principal investigators | projectLeads | largeText | N | N |
studyStatus | the current status of the study (Active; Completed) | projectStatus | string | Y | N |
tumorType | type of tumor | tumorType, tumorType | list? | Y | N |
featured | whether the card should be on the homepage (max 3 in table) | featured | string |
| N |
projectFileviewId | id of fileview scoped to all data files associated with study | projectFileviewId | entity |
| N |
studyAbbreviated | key for mapping |
| string | N | Y? |
| necessary? |