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Web Engineering - links

Synapse-React-Client library (live demos) - GitHub repo

Many of the sites on this page utilize reusable react components found in this library.  With a couple of exceptions, they also use the same simple/scalable technology stack - React (Typescript), AWS S3, and CloudFront.

Synapse - GitHub repo - GitHub repo 

Study Management - GitHub repo

Data Dissemination Portals - GitHub repo 

BSMN Portal

PsychENCODE Knowledge Portal

Digital Health Knowledge Portal

Other Portals built from the same codebase above

STOP-AD Compound Submission Portal

Covid Recovery Corps Participant Manager - Researcher portal

Web Consent Portals

- GitHub repo

- GitHub repo - Forked from Covid Recovery Corps, GenUI developed 

- GitHub repo

Account Registration/Management

- GitHub repo - Customized branding, supports Mobile Toolbox, Synapse, and Data Dissemination Portals

Analysis Results

Agora - GitHub repo - Written by outside contractors, GenUI and Sage Web Engineering has sustained and enhanced this project