Sync GitHub Issue Tracker to Jira using BoardGenuis

Sync GitHub Issue Tracker to Jira using BoardGenuis

Service: BoardGenius.io

Note: To perform the steps below, you must be logged into Google with the BoardGenius Service Sagebase credential: credentials in LastPass

Login with Google account: boardgenius-service@sagebase.org 

Jira Login with Google account: boardgenius-service@sagebase.org

GitHub service user: boardgenius-service-sagebase, credentials in LastPass



  1. Make sure that boardgenius-service@sagebase.org has the “Triage” role on the relevant GitHub repo. Owners of the GitHub organization can set this up, including IT Operations as well as a few other individuals.

  2. Using BoardGenius service, go through GitHub and request access (after step 1)

  3. Again, someone with admin privileges in GitHub will have to approve (similar to step 1)

  4. Set up Sync on Board Genius

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