CRF Module
CRF Module
- The module is currently organized in a way that does not separate the heart rate components from the rest of the app. The folder with heartrate components is within app/src/main/java/org/sagebase.crf/step/active, but if we want to compartmentalize that part and ship it, the repository must be restructured.
- This is the process that I used to attempt to restructure this repository:
- Create a new Java module called "crf". This will hold all of the heartrate files and everything associated with them
- Refactor/Move all of the contents of the step/active directory inside the app module to a new folder within the crf module called heartrate
- You will have quite a few issues in terms of dependencies, so update the build.gradle file of the new crf module
- Go through the build/Clean/Re-make cycle a couple of times until you understand which files have dependencies on different files
- If the files that the heartrate files are dependent on are not in the crf module, consider moving them into the crf module
- As of 11/11/2018, we were unable to restructure it because of the following issues:
- There is a .rs file that the ImageUtils file depends on, and it never compiled properly- we always got a compileDebugRenderscript error
- In the original app module, there are a multitude of errors like dependencies on files and functions that are now in the heartrate module
- In other words, it doesn't split cleanly, and it needs to be refactored in a deeper way rather than just based on files
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