Title: | Colon CIMP | |
Owner: | Vitalina Komashko | |
Creator: | Vitalina Komashko | Feb 16, 2012 |
Last Changed by: | Vitalina Komashko | Jul 09, 2012 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/wiki/x/R4CV | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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27k - correlation of the processing batch with clinical variables in colon cancer
27k platform - how to identify probes that overlap with known SNPs and repetitive regions
Attempt to reproduce the results in Shen 2007 using TCGA 450k data
CIMP markers
Clinical variables of interests
Colon cancer CIMP project proposal
Correlation of clinical variables with technical variables for 450k platform
De novo discovery of methylation clusters in TCGA CRC data
DNA mehylation data normalization
Forcing clusters in colon cancer using Shen or Laird markers for CIMP phenotype
27k - correlation of the processing batch with clinical variables in colon cancer
27k platform - how to identify probes that overlap with known SNPs and repetitive regions
Attempt to reproduce the results in Shen 2007 using TCGA 450k data
CIMP markers
Clinical variables of interests
Colon cancer CIMP project proposal
Correlation of clinical variables with technical variables for 450k platform
De novo discovery of methylation clusters in TCGA CRC data
DNA mehylation data normalization
Forcing clusters in colon cancer using Shen or Laird markers for CIMP phenotype
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