Project team: Vitalina Komashko, Justin Guinney, Jonathan Derry
Table of contents:
Aim1: Characterize CIMP phenotype in colon cancer using the 450k arrays
–Identify patient groups in relation to characteristic DNA methylation signature (CIMP)
–Where does it occur? CpG islands/shores/shelves
–Any correlation with overall survival/presence of (no information available) metastasis, tumor stage, lymphocyte invasion
–Methods: comethylation networks and clustering
Aim2: Characterize CIMP phenotype in relation to the gene mutations
- All genes with the focus on the known players such as KRAS and BRAF
-Focus on epigenes (EZH2, DNMT, etc)
-Casual relationship between mutations and CIMP (what comes first)
- Literature
- Platforms
- Clinical information
- Correlation with technical variables (processing batch/slide): 450k platform
- Correlation with the batch with clinical variables in CRC dataset (148 patients): 27k
- Correlation of processing batch with clinical variables in colon cancer: 27k
- Clinical variables of interest
- DNA methylation
- 27k array platform
- Normalization
- Shen, 2007: attempt to reproduce results
- Laird 2006, 2011 markers: attempt to reproduce results
- Forcing CIMP clusters (using K means) and correlation with mutational status
- De novo discovery of clusters (based on Hinoue 2012 methodology) in TCGA CRC and correlation with mutational status
- 450k array platform
- 27k array platform
- more