Image source files

Image source files

Some articles have images. Many are simple screenshots that can be easily updated, but a few pages feature screenshots that have been tweaked/created in Powerpoint. For example, as seen here and here. These images will need to be updated from time to time if the UI changes (if a new feature is added, etc.)

To avoid the need to recreate these images from scratch, and to maintain consistency, please use the Powerpoint source file attached below. Reference the notes section below the image for a description of what page/section the image belongs to, and any other pertinent details.

The only images found in the powerpoint below are those that have been tweaked/created. If something in the UI changes, and an article displays a screenshot (with no additional markups or additions), then just replace that screenshot with a new one. You do not need to use the powerpoint file for simple screenshots like that.

To update/create a new image using this file:

  1. Download the file and save a copy to your local computer

  2. Make updates to the image in question and/or create a new image

    • If you are updating an existing image, simply override the original (either work on top of it or replace it with a new one) - aka do not keep an outdated image in the file if the UI has changed and will not change back, since this will cause confusion

    • Otherwise, DO NOT delete any images from the file that currently exist on the site, as these will need to be used for future updates

  3. Save the new image(s) as a .png (Select All + Save as Picture) to your local computer and upload that image to the site

  4. Save the powerpoint file and re-upload the newly saved version to this page

Articles with images created in the powerpoint

Below is a list of articles that contain images created in the attached powerpoint. If you create images for a new page, please add it to this list.

Image source files powerpoint


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