Release Cadence Retrospective

Release Cadence Retrospective

Release cadence schedule:

Release cadence is a rolling 4 week cycle to aligned to the Bridge sprinting schedule to allow monthly releases of mobile apps, and web client if needed. This cadence does not include Bridge Server releases.

Build Due from Northwestern on Tuesday at 9AM on week 1.

Builds implemented into test applications for builds provided by Northwestern on Wednesday 9AM on week 1.

Open Testing cycles for both Sage and Northwestern will launch on Wednesday at 9am on week 1 and continue until the following Friday (approximately 10 working days of testing. bug filing, fixing and updating test builds as needed.

A weekly triage meeting on Wednesdays encompass production issues and new test bugs to be discussed is included in this cycle.

Admin core meeting is held on Fridays at 12pm PT week 2 of cadence. A recommendation for launch or delay is expected during this meeting with Go/No Go for deployment required from all parties. A release candidate (RC or Gold) build is required to be available before the Admin core meeting is held.

If Go for release is agreed upon Sage will internally validate the release during a weekly release meeting This meeting occurs weekly on Monday. Should the internal meeting also include a Go decision with risk mitigation then the applications release will be pushed to the app stores for approval.

Once app store approval is attained, the new versions will be released to production.

This entire release cadence is completed within approximately 2 weeks which allows a full sprint to be dedicated to feature development and production bug fixing.



What went well?

We learned alot and northwestern learned that sticking to the calendar is important.

Release notes are improved and helped focus discussion and work items.

Bug came out during testing and jointly decided that the bug was not a release blocker and has been added to backlog.

Quick identification of issues allowed us to respond in a timely manner.

Release was published on cycle with the cadence instead of waiting until everything was perfect. +1

Better coordination with BD and provides more complete release cycle.

Larsson is awesome! Dashboard bugs.

Constructive feedback from all members during the cycle.

Team had a shared message and stayed on the message with outside collaborators.

Keeping NU on task for assessment data.

Test cycle was run through Zephyr and published on Sage side.

What needs improvement?

Clarify data QA needs to happen with workback

Proactive reminders around data QA and adding checkpoints.

Adding checkpoints and list view will be helpful to allow clear communication

Would like to see test plans and data resulting from tests from NU.

Internal QA using bridge SDK which uses exporter 1, which can give false results.

Action Items

Go through another round of the cadence to

adding checkpoints and alerts via email and during triage meetings (both triage and release meetings and data core or tech core for content)

Change view of list view for timeline (Ann) with outline and checklist views. (research what Jira supports) New calendar updated. Jira supports timeline and list view. These are available to all via a tab on the top right of the screen.

create tasks for each benchmark within calendar.

Get test plans from NU. (is this all happy path?) Provided by Anyelo.

Can we get NU to use exporter 3 for study creating a new QA test for E3

Provide NU with details around parquet now updating hourly and manual trigger data when needed. Stop using mobiletoolboxdevelopment app (in BSM)