Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Install maven, details on Developer Tools
  2. Create ~/.m2/settings.xml with content similar to sodo:/work/platform/SageCommonsWorkflow/settings.xml but changing "mecham" to your unix username.
  3. Install eclipse, details on Developer Tools
  4. Check out PLFM/trunk
    1. svn co
  5. Build everything as described in "Care and Feeding"
  6. In eclipse File -> Import -> Existing Projects Into Workspace
  7. FIXME att add M2_REPO variable
  8. FIXME mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.sagebionetworks.StringEncrypter" -Dexec.args="<database_password> <your_encryption_key>"
  9. FIXME -javaagent:/Users/deflaux/Downloads/aws-java-sdk-1.3.3/third-party/aspectj-1.6/aspectjweaver.jar

Care and Feeding

Occasionally you'll want to get a refresh copy of all the code and rebuild everything.  You might confirm that the build is green before you do this:

Code Block
cd trunk
svn up
mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Common Problems


Eclipse has red X's

Things to try:
