Synapse Issue Validation (SYNR)

Synapse Issue Validation (SYNR)

This page contains information that helps validators validate Jira issues across clients. It should be moved to a location that makes sense to our validators from across clients.

R Client Release Candidates

For R client, a release candidate must be validated before we release to ran. A release candidate can be found at https://github.com/Sage-Bionetworks/staging-ran

To install the newest release candidate:

install.packages("synapser", repos=c("https://sage-bionetworks.github.io/staging-ran"))

Synapse Backend Staging Validation

To validate a backend issue (that is available on staging), using analytic client, add the following file to your home directory:

# Login Credentials       #

## Used for logging in to Synapse
## you may also specify an apikey instead of password. If both password and apikey are specified, the apikey is ignored
## Alternatively you can use rememberMe=True in synapseclient.login or login subcommand of the commandline client to 
## cache your API key elsewhere.
#username = <username>
#password = <password>
#apikey = <apikey>

## If you have projects with file stored on SFTP servers, you can specify your credentials here
## You can specify multiple sftp credentials
#username= <sftpuser>
#password= <sftppwd>
#username= <sftpuser>
#password= <sftppwd>

## If you have projects that need to be stored in an S3-like (e.g. AWS S3, Openstack) storage but cannot allow Synapse
## to manage access your storage you may put your credentials here.
## To avoid duplicating credentials with that used by the AWS Command Line Client,
## simply put the profile name form your ~/.aws/credentials file
## more information about aws credentials can be found here http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-config-files.html
#[https://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket_name] # this is the bucket's endpoint

# Caching                 #
## your downloaded files are cached to avoid repeat downloads of the same file. change 'location' to use a different folder on your computer as the cache location
# [cache]
# location = <your cache location>

# Advanced Configurations #

## If this section is specified, then the synapseclient will print out debug information
# [debug]

## Some integration tests require a second Synapse user. This should only be necessary for developers
#username = <username>
#password = <password>
#principalid = <userId>

## Configuring these will cause the Python client to use these as Synapse service endpoints instead of the default prod endpoints.
# [endpoints]
# repoEndpoint=https://repo-staging.prod.sagebase.org/repo/v1
# authEndpoint=https://auth-staging.prod.sagebase.org/auth/v1
# fileHandleEndpoint=https://file-staging.prod.sagebase.org/file/v1
# portalEndpoint=https://staging.synapse.org/

Then uncomment line 55-59. 

Notes: please remember to comment line 55-59 to point to production after validation.