Creating a New Testing User

Creating a New Testing User

When starting to do development on the Web Services, you'll need at least one testing user.  To sign in to a totally local version of Synapse, you'll need to create some testing users.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Follow the instructions in the Developer Bootstrap.
  2. In your web browser click Register
  3. Fill in the information.  I use Mailinator for the email addresses. Submit the form.
  4. Check your email inbox.  Currently, the link that is mailed out won't work directly.  Instead of clicking on it, copy everything after the shebang (#!).
  5. In your open Synapse web app, delete everything after the shebang (#!) in the URL, and copy in the rest of the link.
  6. Now you can hit enter, and reset the password for your new user.
  7. Now log in, and make cool stuff!