Developing Access Requirement Content

Developing Access Requirement Content






Updated format to align with policy version tables


Current version


Created version tracking table

Audience: Synapse Access & Compliance Team (ACT). 

Note: Please consult the Managing Access Requirements in Synapse SOP for instructions on how to set up, modify, and delete ARs.

Table of Contents

ACT Decision Tree

Before setting up an access requirement for a community or individual data contributor, please consult the decision tree below to determine:

  1. What type of access requirement is recommended

  2. Whether any Data Transfer Agreements (DTAs) or other contracts are necessary

  3. When you should loop in other governance team members into the access requirement setup process 

ACT Access Requirement Content Tips

  • Check the Conditions for Use page in Synapse to see what kind of access requirements have been set up for similar datasets. You can work off of the wiki markdown for these similar datasets.

  • Reference the ACT “Governance Structure Recommendations for Controlled Data.” Note that this diagram was brainstormed by Emily Lang and has not yet been reviewed by governance leadership.