Protocol for implementing clickwrap after challenge launch

Protocol for implementing clickwrap after challenge launch


A challenge has launched with participants registering for the challenge prior to the proper clickwrap implementation. Governance has implemented the clickwrap on the registration button, but there are participants who registered who did not agree to the challenge terms and conditions.


To onboard the participants who have registered but didn’t agree to the challenge terms and conditions.

Involved Parties

Governance Analyst

Challenge Administrator


  1. Challenge Administrator creates a new team called [challenge name] participants TOS.

  2. Governance Analyst adds the challenge TOS clickwrap to the new team.

  3. Challenge Administrator creates a wiki sub-page to the How to Participate wiki page called Agree to the Challenge Rules.

  4. Challenge Administrator creates a challenge registration button, linked to new ToS participant team, on the new wiki sub-page with the button title Agree to the Challenge Rules and Conditions.

  5. Governance Analyst sends a list of challenge registrants who have already agreed to the clickwrap conditions to the Challenge Administrator.

  6. Challenge Administrator cross-references that list with the full list of challenge registrants to see which participants are still outstanding.

  7. Emails are sent to the participants who have not agreed to the TOS.

Example Email

Hello [Challenge Name] participants,

Due to an administrative error on our end, early in the challenge onboarding phase, the agreement to the terms and rules of the challenge was not properly attached to the challenge registration button. If you are receiving this email, you were one of the participants that registered prior to the agreement being correctly attached.

We will need you to please [visit this page](url to the new wiki sub-page) and click the "Agree to the Challenge Rules and Conditions" button.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding,


Challenge Administrator

8. Regularly check who has agreed to the challenge rules and remind participants who haven’t agreed.


NIH Long COVID Computational Challenge