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Field NameDescriptionSynonymsColumn TypeFacet (Y/N)Required (Y/N)DestinationNotes
controlledAccessare there access restrictions for study dataAccess_Type

Assay, assay

consortiumconsortium or funding organization (and key for mapping?)Consortium, fundingAgency, consortiumstringYY

contributorInstitutioninstitutions of PIsData_Contributor, institutions, centerNamelargeTextNN

dataTypedata typesDataType_Name/DataType_All, experimentalStrategystring/list (copy of folder name)YN

diagnosisdiagnosis/disease focus of studyDiagnosis_or_Model_System, diseaseFocus,list?YN

grantGrant Type (U54 or U01) or Grant ID (also a key for mapping?)Grant, grantType

modelis source human individual or modelModel_System

notesfor personal tracking of where summary description came from - not necessary for portalNotes, summarySourcelargeTextNN

individualsnumber of individualsNumber_of_Individuals

speciesspecies/organismOrganism, Species


idsynapse id of Study -Synapse project or folderStudy, id, identityNN

descriptionshort description for cardStudy_Description, summary, descriptionlargeTextNY

studyNamedisplay name of studyStudy_Name, projectName, namelargeTextNY

studyTypeindividual or consortium studyStudy_Type

cohortTypelongitudinal or case-control


publicationlist of publications?

themeResearch themeTheme

dataStatusthe current status of the data in the project (None; Under Embargo; Partially Released; Published)dataStatusstringYN

contributorNameprincipal investigatorsprojectLeadslargeTextNN

studyStatusthe current status of the study (Active; Completed)projectStatusstringYN

tumorTypetype of tumortumorType, tumorTypelist?YN

featuredwhether the card should be on the homepage (max 3 in table)featuredstring

projectFileviewIdid of fileview scoped to all data files associated with studyprojectFileviewIdentity

studyAbbreviatedkey for mapping


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