This page attempts to describe the code needed to create a new UI Widget using the Ext GWT (GXT) toolkit. Our widgets follow a Model-View-Presenter format that isolates business logic of the widget in a Presenter and the view implementation in a ViewImpl. You will need to create three files, prefereably in an appropriate sub package of org.sagebionetworks.web.client.widget
To use a widget like this, follow these steps:
- Create your widget classes using the templates below.
- Write a test for your Presenter if you write business logic into it.
- In the PortalGinModule class, force your ViewImpl to be a Singleton and bind the ViewImpl to its View
//DatasetEditor bind(DatasetEditorViewImpl.class).in(Singleton.class); bind(DatasetEditorView.class).to(DatasetEditorViewImpl.class);
- Inject the Presenter class into the class that you're using. This automatically injects the ViewImpl into the presenter, and you have a fully ready object. When you want to add this to a UiBinder class, simply add it to a SimplePanel
- In your UiBinder (ui.xml) file
<g:SimplePanel ui:field="editorPanel" />
- In your ViewImpl class
@UiField SimplePanel adminPanel; @Inject public SomeViewImpl(..., DatasetEditor datasetEditor) { adminPanel.add(datasetEditor); }
The presenter stores the business logic. This is where your widget would, say, make calls to a remote service. Often the Presenter will also have several pass through methods for the view like "setTitle(...)".
package org.sagebionetworks.web.client.widget.editpanels; import; import; public class DatasetEditor implements DatasetEditorView.Presenter { private DatasetEditorView view; @Inject public DatasetEditor(DatasetEditorView view) { this.view = view; view.setPresenter(this); } public Widget asWidget() { return view.asWidget(); } }
The view interface defines the view and the Presenter interface--the view's method to make conceptual business logic calls like "saveValues(...)"
package org.sagebionetworks.web.client.widget.editpanels; import; public interface DatasetEditorView extends IsWidget { /** * Set the presenter. * @param presenter */ public void setPresenter(Presenter presenter); /** * Presenter interface */ public interface Presenter { } }
The ViewImpl implements its view and extends LayoutContainer. LayoutContainer is Ext GWT's base container (widget) class.