MVP Design
With the release of GWT 2.1, there are some classes and tools to aide with the development of a web application using the MVP (Model View Presenter) design pattern. The following link explains the MVP design pattern and the various ways the GWT framework helps implementing MVP based web application:
Relationship between Presenter and View
There seems to be two basic approaches for how the Presenter and View interact with each other.
- Option A: View defines its interface to the presenter and keeps a reference to it. In this case, the view listens to its own component events, and notifies the presenter when action needs to be taken, like adding a new message
GET 200 OK { "id": "/repo/v1/dataset/511", "name": "Myers", "description": "this is a description of the dataset", "status": "QC complete", "releaseDate": "2010-10-10", "creator": "Dr. Smith", "annotations": "/repo/v1/dataset/511/annotations", "layers": [ "C": "/repo/v1/datasetLayer/27", "G": "/repo/v1/datasetLayer/30", "E": "/repo/v1/datasetLayer/42" ] }