The server is located in the Synapse production AWS account. It is accessible through VPN to members of the JumpClould group ‘synapseprod-admins’, accounts on the server are not integrated with JumpCloud.
The server ‘http://build-system-dw.sagebase.org:8080’ hosts datawarehouse-related operations (namely deploying and shutting down datawarehouse snapshots). The server is located in the Synapse datawarehouse AWS account. It accessible through VPN to members of the ‘synapse-dw-users’ JumpCloud group, accounts are not integrated with JumpCloud.
Synapse Portals
The server ‘http://build-system-portals.sagebase.org:8080’ hosts build and deployment of various S3-based sites (portals-based React applications, ?). The server is located in the SageIT AWS account. It is accessible through VPN to members of the ? JumpCloud group, its accounts are not integrated with JumCloud.