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About Synapse

titleWhat does Synapse do?

Synapse allows researchers to share and describe data, analyses, and other content. Data and analyses can be stored in many types of locations, including private servers, local hard drives, or cloud storage. Synapse provides a common interface to describe these data or analyses, where they come from, and how to use them. Synapse also provides mechanisms for adding and retrieving data, analyses, and their respective descriptions.


titleWhere are my files stored?

By default, Synapse stores files in Amazon Simple Storage Services (S3). However it is possible to set up Synapse to store files in different locations such as your local SFTP server. For files stored outside of S3, Synapse can be used to organize, manage, and access files through the use of Synapse annotations to store file-specific metadata. (see: /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2048327803)

Sage Offerings

titleWhat materials for DMSP can Sage help me plan and budget?

Sage can help you prepare materials for your data management and sharing plan and budget. We will provide a quote for services for use in your budget as well as standardized text for your plan.

titleWhat level of support do I get for setting up my project?

Sage will help you setup your project and storage through self-service and easy-to-follow documentation.  For data coordination projects we provide customized support and storage

titleI already have an account with data uploaded and shared, do I need to start paying?

No, accounts and projects are grandfathered with their current agreement with Sage.

titleWhat support does Synapse have for DOIs?

You can mint DOIs for projects and files uploaded to Synapse, extremely useful for citing data.  Learn More

titleWhat is included in consulting for the Managed Plan?

Sage provides consulting to help you upload your data and make it F.A.I.R.  For the Managed Plan, this includes 2 hours of consulting with our governance team to ensure you set the appropriate sharing policies as well as a 3 hours of solutions architect time to assist you creating your project and uploading data.  These consulting hours can be customized in your quote to better meet your needs.

titleWhat is the ongoing support included in the Managed and Data Coordination plans?

You and your data downloaders can use the Sage help desk to ask questions and receive support within our SLAs.  With the Data Coordination plan, a point of contact is assigned to you for support. 

titleMy data is larger than the limits in the Standard and Managed Plans. Is there a way to get more?

These are the general storage limitations for each plan. These can be customized for the Managed and Data Coordination plans.  There are no data limits if you use your own cloud bucket and, depending on the dataset uploaded, may be sponsored by an existing project.  Contact us to learn more.

titleWhere is data uploaded to Synapse stored?

By default, data is stored in AWS US-EAST-1.  You can customize the location in the Standard and Managed Plans by providing your own cloud bucket.  This can be customized for you in the Data Coordination PlanLearn More

titleCan I add controls to my data in the Standard Plan?

Sage offers controlled access data hosting in the Managed and Data Coordination plans only.

titleCan I integrate my 3rd party workflow tools and compute environments with Synapse?

Sage offers integrations with multiple cloud compute environments for customized Data Coordination Plans.

titleHow do I control access to my content?

In the Standard Plan you can manually add or remove Synapse users to your project spaces.  If you contact us, we can setup additional data use limitations and require accessors to record their agreement to comply with the terms through a “clickwrap” before accessing content (There is a nominal fee in the Standard Plan. This is included in the Managed and Data Coordination plans).  

For the Data Coordination Plan we offer a complete data access committee service, either managed by you or by Sage to review/administer requests to controlled-access data.

titleWhat happens to the content at the expiration of the service plan's period?

The content will revert to the Standard Plan, the content will not be deleted.

titleCan I have a custom Portal for my project?

Sage offers bespoke portals for customized Data Coordination Plan.  For the Standard and Managed Plans, you can create your own lightweight portal directly in Synapse.