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There are three types of Each study requires four metadata files for MODEL-AD


– Individual, Biospecimen, Assay, and Manifest files. In order for your metadata to validate successfully. Each file is described below with a list of links to the latest templates.

Graphical representation of the relationship between files.

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Here’s a graphical representation of the relationship between individualID and specimenID across the different metadata files.  IndividualID should be consistent across the individual animal and biospecimen metadata templates.  SpecimenID should be consistent between the biospecimen and assay metadata files.

Individual Animal

This file contains metadata about each individual animal that is part of a study.  It includes Each animal will be described in one row with information that is true of the animal as a whole (eg, individualID, genotype, room, litter, etc.  Each animal will have one row in the individual animal metadata template.

In order for your metadata to validate successfully, please use the latest version of the MODEL-AD individual animal metadata template

The Individual Metadata variables that describe mouse genotype are available here:Mouse Naming Standards



A biospecimen is a sample of cells, tissue, RNA, DNA, etc.  The biospecimen metadata file contains information about each biospecimen that is part of a study, including things like what organ and tissue the specimen is from, the weight of the specimenits mass, etc.  Please see the biospecimen metadata template for a current template to work with.

The biospecimen metadata file is linked to the and individual animal metadata file files are linked by the individualID’ variable, which appears in both files.  The individualID variable variable and it should be consistent across these two files.  Each individualID may have more than one associated specimenIDNote that not Not all data will have an associated biospecimen – things like for instance behavioral studies or imaging studies may only have records in the individual animal metadata file.

The biospecimen metadata file is also related to the assay metadata file(s) by the ‘specimenID’ value, which appears in both (all) files.  The specimenID variable and assay metadata files are linked by the specimenID and it should be consistent across these two files.  If more than one assay was conducted on the same specimen, the same specimenID should be used throughout. 


This Each assay metadata file contains metadata information about each assay for which data is provided.  There the assay and there are multiple assay metadata templates, since the information collected will vary by assay.  See the ‘Templates and Upload Conventions’ section for links to all available metadata templates.

The assay metadata file is linked to the and biospecimen metadata file files are linked by the specimenIDvariable, which appears in both files .  The specimenID variable and it should be consistent across these two files.

Note that not Not all assays have related assay metadata filestemplates.  


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