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This vignette will combine concepts from Annotations and queriesQueries/wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/2011070739Uploading and downloading data Downloading Data in bulkBulk. You will learn how to:

  • Create a manifest

  • Upload 100 files

  • Edit annotations on these files using the Synapse programmatic clients


To batch upload files, create a tab-delimited manifest which contains, at minimum, the columns path and parent. You can also add additional annotations as columns in your manifest. For example, your manifest might have the following headers: pathparentspecimenIDassayspeciesplatformsex, and fileFormat. See Creating a Manifest in Uploading and downloading data Downloading Data in bulkBulk for additional details.

  • path: the local path to your file 

  • parent: the Synapse ID (in the format syn123456) of the folder or project where your files will be uploaded

  • specimenID: the unique identifier for each of your specimens 

  • assay: the technology used to generate the data in this file (for example, RNASeq, ChIPSeq, wholeGenomeSeq) 

  • species: the species of your sample (for example, Mouse, Rat, Human, Triceratops) 

  • platform: the hardware used to generate the data (for example, HiSeq2500, Affy6.0, HoodDNASequencer) 

  • sex: a label assigned at birth based on biological attributes (for example, male or female)

  • fileFormat: is the type of file (e.g. fastq, R script)
