Required Software
- Java 1.6+
- Maven 3.0.3+
- Git (not ancient...)
- Eclipse for Java EE developers (I used 43.2 7 Juno)
For ubuntu the first three are easy. Well, Sun Java can be a bit tricky in the newer versions, but there are already plenty of guides about how to do that on the internet.
Add these url's one by one as new software sources (using the add button to the left)
- m2e url:
- gwt url:
- (optionally) egit url:
- note that I don't use the eclipse git integration so I can't speak to it's stability, usability etc.
Close the preferences pane. Now go to Help -> Install New Software
First install GWT plugins (for no particular reason) install GWT plugins :
Type gwt into the Work with: box box.
When the info loads, select the Google Plugin for Eclipse and the SDK -> Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.4.0. Selecting the SDK as well means you don't have to separately install GWT. Continue through the dialogs, accept the license agreements and eventually finish. Let Eclipse install everything and restart. Say ok if it asks you about unsigned content (we trust Google, right?)
Again, wade through the dialogs and eventually finish and let eclipse install restart.
Maven Build
Now follow the instructions for Getting the Maven Build Working in the Developer Bootstrap page.
Importing Projects
Now you should be ready to start importing your projects. Before you do this section you should follow the instructions on forking and cloning the code repo's