Now it will appear under syn9876543
Docker Repository Schema:
DockerRepository extends Entity
- name (registryhost/reponamerepopath)
EntityValidator validates format and that, for managed external/unmanaged repo's, the name starts with the parent entity id, that external repos' registryhosts donregistryhost doesn't violate the blacklist.
For managed repo's 'repopath' must start with the Synapse ID of a container (folder or project)
- isManaged: says whether this repository is managed by Synapse or is a reference to an external registry.
We have a 'white list' of registry hosts for which we answer authorization requests and a 'reserved' list of registry hosts for which external repositories can't be created. (This allows us to reserve address spaces for the future. E.g. the white list could contain docker.synapse.org:443 and the reserved list *.synapse.org.)
Each Repository has a list of 'commits'. For external repo's the user must provide them. For managed repo's commits are added based on 'push' events received by the listener.
- tag e.g. "v1" Is optional and must be unique for a docker repository
- digest: e.g. "SHA256:a68df63..." Is required and must be unique for a docker repository
Will provide a service to retrieve a repo based on its hash.
Create, Update and Delete entity: not allowed for entities which are 'managed', i.e. their host field matches that of a managed repo.
Synapse will create, update and delete its representation of a Docker repository in response to received registry events.
Open questions:
- Should there be OK to have a Docker-Synapse password different from the user's Synapse password (or API key)?
- Is it OK for Docker Repo's to have Folders as parents or just Projects?