SOP02-RM04: ACT Email Management in Google Groups

SOP02-RM04: ACT Email Management in Google Groups

Revision Date: 2023.12.29

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Table of Contents

I. Description

This RM delineates the processes for accessing, using, and updating the ACT Google Group, which manages the email addresses: act@sagebase.org and act@sagebionetworks.org.

II. Scope

This procedure applies specifically to the ACT Google Group managed by Governance, but can be generalized to other Groups.

III. Definitions & Acronyms

Access and Compliance Team (ACT)

IV. Authorities/Responsibilities

  • ACT Members are responsible for being aware of the ACT Google Group and understanding the uses and limitations of ACT-related email addresses.

  • Google Group Owners are responsible for adding and removing ACT members.

V. Procedures

A. General Notes

  1. These procedures apply only to the two email addresses, “act@sagebionetworks.org” and “act@sagebase.org.”

  2. Google Groups is a Google Suite product that is used by Governance to centralize the receipt of emails addressed to ACT. Groups may be used for various purposes, but for the Governance ACT emails specifically, they are used like an email distribution list.

  3. There are some important notes regarding these email addresses:

  • Messages sent to this address automatically generate Jira tickets in the ACT Service Desk.

  • This is not a standard email inbox; it is a Google Groups account so multiple people can access it.

  • Because the ACT email address is a Google Groups account, this may cause issues with Jira tickets. For example, sometimes Jira tickets are not properly generated, and sometimes the ticketing system does not recognize continuations of an existing conversation thread leading to duplication or proliferation of tickets.

  • The Governance team does not generally reply directly from the ACT account, though this is an option. The drawback is that integration with Jira may cause unwanted tickets to be automatically generated.

  • act@synapse.org emails do not get routed to the Google Groups account since sending emails to the @synapse.org email address routes messages to the ACT Team in Synapse. Each ACT member then gets emails sent to their individual inboxes.

B. Adding ACT Team Members

All members of ACT should have access to the ACT Google Group.

To gain access to the ACT Google Group, Governance employees need to be added by the group Owner. To add a new member as an ACT Google Group Owner:

  1. Navigate to Google Groups using the Google apps menu in the Chrome browser.

  2. Select “Access and Compliance” from the list of available Groups.

  3. On the left of the screen, locate and select the “Members”

  4. Click on the “Add members” button and enter the employee’s Sage email address.

C. Changing Notification Frequency

As a member of the ACT Google Group, individuals can set the frequency of notifications. Notifications are the number of emails you will receive in your personal inbox. To change notification settings:

  1. Navigate to Google Groups using the Google apps menu in the Chrome browser.

  2. Make a selection under the “Subscription” dropdown menu.

VI. Revision History

Version, Date


V1, 2023.12.29

New RM