SOP04-RM03: SageBase Agreement Library for Governance

SOP04-RM03: SageBase Agreement Library for Governance

Revision Date: 2024.12.17

Table of Contents

I. Description

This procedure is in place to guide Sage Community Governance Strategy (CGS) members through the successful process of recording Agreements and Project Materials.

II. Objectives

  1. This RM is meant to encourage a streamlined, transparent method for organizing and locating executed Governance Project Materials.

    1. This sets an expectation around the minimum information gathered. As each CGS Analyst is responsible for their own project’s Agreements, Amendments, and official Documents, this Airtable Workspace: SageBase Agreement Library for Governance is used to document all materials across the CGS Team.

    2. The SageBase Agreement Library for Governance also includes automations that will notify the team-cgs-docusign-requests channel when a Document is being requested to be routed through DocuSign.

III. Scope

This RM is applicable to members of the Sage Privacy and Compliance Office.

IV. Definitions & Acronyms

Data Ingress/Egress Agreement: A formal contract between Sage and external party/ies that outlines the terms and conditions under which data is allowed to enter or be imported into Synapse and the intentions, responsibilities, and roles of each party.

Project Materials: Project-specific governance documentation, e.g., Agreements, Amendments, Memorandums of Understanding, Side Letters, and other related official Documents.

Fully-Executed: A term used to indicate that all authorized representatives of the involved parties have formally signed the Project Material(s).

V. Authorities/Responsibilities

Privacy & Data Protection Analysts (“Analysts”): Members of the Privacy and Compliance team who are responsible for Project Materials. Analysts are responsible for populating the SageBase Agreement Library for Governance with relevant information throughout the lifecycle of a Project Material, from initial drafting to updating its execution status and documenting its closure.

VI. Procedures

Tab 1: Team Tab

  1. Analysts should begin by filling out the SageBase Agreement Library for Governance with the appropriate information. Navigate to “Team Tab” to supply the following information:

    1. Short Name of Document: Provide the type and/or name of the Project Material to be routed (i.e. VEOIBD Data Sharing Use Agreement, Grey Foundation Data Transfer Agreement, Amendment # to VEOIBD Data Sharing Use Agreement, Conditions for Use Form, etc).

    2. Analyst: Select your name from drop down list

    3. Institution Name(s): Party(ies) to the agreement with Sage. Sage does not need to be included as a participating Party.

    4. Institution Code: Select institution code from dropdown menu. Reference Institution Database/Key for the appropriate code.

    5. Unique ID: This is autogenerated by Airtable when a new record is created

    6. Version Number: Provide version of material here if applicable

    7. Material Type: Select the appropriate Data Ingress/Egress Agreement type from the dropdown list.

    8. Status: Select proper status from the drop down menu.

      1. Pending - synonymous with “in progress”

      2. Executed - signatures have been completed

      3. Agreement Closed/Expired - Agreement is no longer active, has been dissolved, or project has closed

    9. DocuSign Requested: Check this box once a Document should be routed for signature through DocuSign. Ensure that all appropriate internal approvals have been provided.

    10. Date Fully Executed: Provide the date the fully executed Project Material was completed. This will be the date the final representative provided their signature.

    11. Expiration or Closure Date: If there is an agreed upon termination or dissolution date for the Project Material, insert it here.

    12. Project Title: This material is related to what project (i.e. AD Knowledge Portal, NF, VEOIBD, 1kD)

    13. Exceptions: Notes that may be unique to the Agreement

    14. Data Features: Select from the dropdown list the appropriate data type involved in the Project Material

    15. Jurisdiction outside of US: Select No, Yes, or N/A

    16. Grant Number: Provide the associate Grant Number of the Project here if applicable

    17. Institution Primary Contact: Provide the name of the Project Manager or Contract’s Team Member at the participating institution who was responsible for the execution of the Project Material. This is not the name of the Signatory.

    18. Contributing PI: Name of Contributing Principal Investigator

    19. Affiliated Sage PI: Name of the Principal Investigator at Sage who is involved with the Project.

    20. Team: Most of our Project Materials are related to ongoing Sage Projects conducted by our scientific teams. Select the relevant team at Sage from the dropdown list.

    21. Sponsor: Provide the name of the Funder if applicable.

    22. Notes: Free text field to use at Analyst’s discretion.

    23. Template: Provide name of template used for material, if applicable.

    24. Date Fully Executed: Provide the date the fully executed Project Material was completed. This will be the date the final representative provided their signature.

    25. Location of Final File or Draft File: Provide the link to your document draft. Save your document with appropriate naming convention.

    26. PDF Version: Hyperlink to the .pdf file location so that the Project Material may be found. All final .pdfs are to be saved in the Governance Team - Project Materials Drive

  2. When an Analyst wishes to route a Document through DocuSign. Click the checkmark in the column “DocuSign Requested”. This will trigger an automated message to the #team-cgs-docusign-request Slack Channel. Your Document will be routed within the next 2 business days.

  3. File Naming Convention: In DEVELOPMENT :

    1. ProjectID_Material Type_Document Unique ID_YYYYMMDD.filetype

    2. GrayCollab_DMSA__FHCRC-013-recJRrj_20211228.pdf


Tab 2: Institution Database/Key

Navigate to the “Institution Database/Key” tab to find the Institution Abbreviation.

If the institution you are building an Agreement with is not in this list follow these steps:

  1. Create a new row

  2. Insert the full name of the Institution

  3. Insert the official Acronym used for the Institution (this can usually be found by Googling the Institution).

  4. Add a dash and insert the numeric code. This will be in the format XXX. Reference the record above your new addition and place the next sequential number.


Tab 3: Template Library

Reference the “Template Library” tab to find previously used Agreement Templates. If you are using a new template please add it to this list. A template should include fillable fields or highlighted fields which the user can update.

  1. Insert the name of the template

  2. Provide some background information as to origin, approval date, and owner

  3. Provide the link to the Google doc

  4. Upload a Word document version of the Template.

VII. Associated Documents and Resources

SageBase Agreement Library for Governance - Airtable

Slack Channel: #team-cgs-docusign-requests

Governance Team - Project Materials Drive

VIII. Revision History

Revision Date



New RM