Things we need to do when we migrate from EZID to Datacite
When we are ready to migrate, we need to contact DataCite and set up an hour or so of time where we migrate from their service to our service. The most simple time to do this would probably be when we migrate stacks.
In Synapse Stack Builder
In elasticbeanstalk-template.json.vpt, set org.sagebionetworks.doi.prefix to be "10.7303"
In, set "org.sagebionetworks.doi.prefix=10.7303"
- In /lib/jdomodels/src/main/java/org/sagebionetworks/repo/model/dbo/dao/, change DoiStatus.TEMPORARY to DoiStatus.READY
- (Optionally) delete all of the rows in the DOI table where DoiStatus is TEMPORARY
- Deprecate the old DOI controller methods so the old API cannot be used. (Give a message indicating that the API has been deprecated, instead of registering a new DOI call)
- Remove the old DOI widget from the EntityMetadata page
- In the EntityActionController:
- Remove the old createDoi method
- Remove the alpha flag from the createOrUpdateDoi method
After the dust settles:
- (If not done earlier) delete all database entries in the DOI table where DoiStatus is TEMPORARY
- Remove all of the unused and deprecated EZID code in PLFM and SWC!