Where's My Data?
Exports to Synapse are done nightly at 9am UTC (2am PDT). The data is exported to your configured Synapse project, under the Tables tab.
Common Fields
All data tables (survey and attachment) include the following fields, plus additional fields specific to the data table:
recordId - Unique identifier for this survey run or activity run.
healthCode - De-identified identifier for the individual represted by this record.
externalId - External ID defined and set by the apps. This field is app-specific and may not be filled out in each table.
dataGroups - Comma-separated list of data groups. Can be used for tagging test users or study subpopulations. See Researcher UI for more details.
uploadDate - Calendar date this data was uploaded to Synapse (using Pacific Local Time), in YYYY-MM-DD format.
createdOn - Time instant when this data was measured, as reported by the app. This is stored in Synapse as milliseconds since the start of the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z), but is displayed in tge Synapse Web UI in Pacific Local Time.
appVersion - App version, example: "version 1.0, build 7" (NOTE: This data is ResearchKit-specific and may or may not apply to non-ResearchKit uploads. Additionally, this data is self-reported by the apps.)
phoneInfo - Phone info, example: "iPhone 5s (GSM)" (NOTE: This data is ResearchKit-specific and may or may not apply to non-ResearchKit uploads. Additionally, this data is self-reported by the apps.)
appVersion Table
This table (named appVersion for legacy reasons) is an aggregate of all data collected so far, used for querying study-wide stats. It contains all the common fields as described above, as well as the "originalTable" field, which refers to the table containing the original record.
TODO: Not yet implemented