Current Work Flow
Dataset A has ACT Restriction. User B wants to download dataset A, he/she needs to email the ACT to request access to data set A. Via emails, an ACT member would ask the user to complete some forms. The forms are different for each dataset. Each request may request n number of users to access the data.
After the user meets all requirements given by the ACT (via emails), an ACT member would go to the dataset and manually enter the user(s) to give the user(s) access to the dataset.
A script is run (Brian Bot in mPower?) that gathers public information from the spreadsheet and publishes to a wiki: Principal Investigator, Institution, Date, and Intended Data Use Statement
Example form:
Link to instructions:!Synapse:syn2954404
Manually entering the detailed information (in a spreadsheet) about the request for access (including approval status) is a burden for the ACT.
- User's handwriting is hard to read.
Proposed Work Flow
The ACT setup the necessary form for dataset A. This will look similar to setting the schema for a table in Synapse, with certain fields included by default.
The fields that are included by default will be determined by the ACT.
Each form includes a brief instruction given by the ACT.
Each valid request includes the following fields and additional fields:
- Data Requestor - the user who is making the request
- Study Lead
- Additional Users - the users who would also have access to the data is the request is granted.
User B goes to dataset A and clicks on "show unmet conditions" to get to the data access request form. If they are not logged in, then they will be met with this view:
Once they log in, then they will have the option to "Request Access":
Upon clicking Request Access, the user will be shown a form to fill out, and upon submitting the form, an email will be set to notify the ACT.
Sample email message to ACT after a user requests access (with links to the dataset):
Karen Altergott (kmaltergott) has requested access to Dataset MayoLOADGWAS.
For further information, please visit the dataset.
Synapse Administration
User B can see the status of request on the dataset with the ability to cancel own request.
An ACT member could go to the dataset link provided in the email. There will be a new tab only visible to the ACT to show the pending access requests table, as well as allow editing/previewing the access request form (in the tools bar).
They can edit the query to show requests that were approved or rejected as well. These requests will have their approve/reject buttons disabled.
Now the ACT member can view the user request and their submitted form before approving their request with the approval button. Approval may grant access to one user, or to many (ACT will decide based on request). Clicking approve will open a dialog with a summary for the ACT member to double-check before approving, including the ability to edit the email being sent out upon approval:
Sample email message to researcher after their request has been approved:
The Synapse Access and Compliance Team has approved your application for use of the MayoGWAS data distributed through Synapse.
To use this data you must adhere to the Terms of Use as described in the MayoGWAS DUC:!Synapse:syn2910256
The MayoGWAS data can be accessed through the following Synapse project:!Synapse:syn3219045
Please note that the first time you download a datafile you will also be asked to agree to acknowledge the AMP-AD Partnership in publications derived from any of the AMP-AD data. This approval must be performed through the website.
For a review of the AMP-AD Data Terms of Use, please see here:!Synapse:syn2580853/wiki/78604.
Please note, this email is sent from an unmonitored account. Send any questions to
The Synapse Access and Compliance Team
The Synapse Access and Compliance Team has rejected your application for use of the MayoGWAS data distributed through Synapse, because you did not sign the DUC.
To submit another request, please visit the MayoGWAS dataset at:!Synapse:syn2910256.
Please note, this email is sent from an unmonitored account. Send any questions to
The Synapse Access and Compliance Team
The data contributor wants to know who has access to their data. Sage has been given report about approved requests including the following information: Principal Investigator, Institution, Date, and Intended Data Use Statement.
Brian has a script that update this wiki:!Synapse:syn4993293/wiki/392026
For auditing purposes, ACT member could query requests (find requests that need to be processed, find requests that have been approved and see when they were approved, etc). ACT member could export set of files (associated with the dataset requests) as zip file, to be sent to data contributor.