(Deprecated) Governance (SG) Jira Best Practices

(Deprecated) Governance (SG) Jira Best Practices




Audience: Sage Employees creating Jira tickets for Sage Governance

Table of Contents:


Jira is a project management tool used to report bugs and track task statuses. For the Sage Governance Team, Jira is utilized to report issues to ACT or request Governance assistance.


Governance Dashboard 

The Governance Dashboard acts as a tracking system to know who has been assigned a ticket, which tickets are open or in progress, and how many tickets fall under each Jira component. To add the dashboard to your favorites in Jira, click the star at the top right of the page. 

Jira Elements

  • Validator Function: A validator is assigned when a ticket requires that someone verify the outcome or work done on the ticket. The validator is usually the person who files the ticket. 

  • Component Function: Please utilize the components below when creating a Governance ticket. In general, all tickets regarding Synapse should be assigned to Emily Lang, and all tickets regarding mHealth should be assigned to Hayley Sanchez. If you aren’t sure what to label your ticket or if your issue does not fit into one of the below categories, please assign the ticket to Christine Suver.

  • Permissions: Only people on the Governance team can reassign tickets within the Governance project. 

  • Notifications: The ticket assignee will be notified when the ticket comes in, but not the rest of the team. When the ticket is reassigned to someone on our team after triage, the new assignee will get an email. 

  • Unable to assign tickets issue: In Spring 2019, Atlassian updated the view and layout of JIRA. Unfortunately, this erased the button that allowed us to reassign a ticket. To switch back to the old view, follow these instructions:

    1. Click on the profile icon in the lower left hand corner and choose “Personal Settings.”

    1. Scroll down and turn off the New Issue View.