
The Query API is loosely modeled after Facebook's Query Language.

The REST API took inspiration from several successful REST APIs:

See Service API Design for more information regarding the rationale and design details.


The primary request and response encoding for the service is JSON. Here's a handy tool to make a blob of JSON more readable:

In responses from the service, dates are serialized as long integers expressing epoch time - the number of seconds elapsed since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of January 1, 1970, not counting leap seconds. Here's a handy tool to convert from epoch time to human readable dates:

In requests to the service, dates can be serialized either as long integers expressing epoch time or human readable dates in format such as '2011-01-31' or '2011-01-31T22:00:00'


Eventually these services will be HTTPS only and disallow HTTP. For all requests requiring authentication, users will pass a special header sessionToken with
each request to the service.

Log into Synapse

You must have an account with permission to create entities in Synapse.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{
  "email": "",
  "password": "thisIsAFakePassword"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:35 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "displayName": "MyFirstName MyLastName",
  "sessionToken": "XXXXXXXXXXXX"

Create/Update/Delete Examples

You can create entities, update entities, read entities, and delete entities. More advanced querying is implemented as a separate API. Partial updates (e.g., just updating two fields in a dataset) are not supported. In a nutshell, when you update something like a dataset, you GET the dataset first, modify the properties you want to change, and then send the entire object back to the service so that this revised entity overwrites the previously stored entity. Conflicting updates are detected and rejected through the use of the ETag header.

Create a Dataset

Note that the request is a POST and the content type of the data we are sending to the service is json


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{
  "creator": "Charles Sawyers",
  "description": "Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been identified that ...",
  "name": "MSKCC Prostate Cancer",
  "releaseDate": "2008-09-14",
  "status": "Pending",
  "version": "1.0.0"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:36 GMT
ETag: 1
Location: /repo/v1/dataset/1180
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 559
Connection: keep-alive

  "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/acl",
  "annotations": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/annotations",
  "creationDate": 1308156216055,
  "creator": "Charles Sawyers",
  "description": "Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been identified that ...",
  "etag": "1",
  "hasClinicalData": false,
  "hasExpressionData": false,
  "hasGeneticData": false,
  "id": "1180",
  "layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/layer",
  "locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/location",
  "name": "MSKCC Prostate Cancer",
  "parentId": null,
  "releaseDate": 1221350400000,
  "status": "Pending",
  "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180",
  "version": "1.0.0"

Update a Dataset

In this example status field was changed but all others remain the same. Note that the request is a PUT. Also note that the change in the URI to include the id of the dataset we wish to update and the ETag header using the value previously returned.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H ETag:1 -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -X PUT -d '{
  "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/acl",
  "annotations": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/annotations",
  "creationDate": 1308156216055,
  "creator": "Charles Sawyers",
  "description": "Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been identified that ...",
  "etag": "1",
  "hasClinicalData": false,
  "hasExpressionData": false,
  "hasGeneticData": false,
  "id": "1180",
  "layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/layer",
  "locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/location",
  "name": "MSKCC Prostate Cancer",
  "parentId": null,
  "releaseDate": 1221350400000,
  "status": "Current",
  "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180",
  "version": "1.0.0"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:36 GMT
ETag: 2
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/acl",
  "annotations": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/annotations",
  "creationDate": 1308156216055,
  "creator": "Charles Sawyers",
  "description": "Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been identified that ...",
  "etag": "2",
  "hasClinicalData": false,
  "hasExpressionData": false,
  "hasGeneticData": false,
  "id": "1180",
  "layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/layer",
  "locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/location",
  "name": "MSKCC Prostate Cancer",
  "parentId": null,
  "releaseDate": 1221350400000,
  "status": "Current",
  "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180",
  "version": "1.0.0"

Add Annotations to a Dataset

Get the annotations

First get the current annotations for your newly created dataset.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:36 GMT
ETag: 2
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "blobAnnotations": {},
  "creationDate": null,
  "dateAnnotations": {"releaseDate": [1221350400000]},
  "doubleAnnotations": {},
  "etag": "2",
  "id": "1180",
  "longAnnotations": {},
  "stringAnnotations": {
    "status": ["Current"],
    "uri": ["/repo/v1/dataset/1180"],
    "version": ["1.0.0"]
  "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/annotations"

Put the annotations

Then you add new annotations to the existing annotations, or modify the existing annotations, and do a PUT. Note that annotation values must always be arrays even if the array is only of length one.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H ETag:2 -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -X PUT -d '{
  "blobAnnotations": {},
  "creationDate": null,
  "dateAnnotations": {
    "last_modified_date": ["2009-03-06"],
    "releaseDate": [1221350400000]
  "doubleAnnotations": {},
  "etag": "2",
  "id": "1180",
  "longAnnotations": {
    "Number_of_Samples": [218],
    "number_of_downloads": [32],
    "number_of_followers": [7],
    "pubmed_id": [2.0579941E7]
  "stringAnnotations": {
    "Disease": ["Cancer"],
    "Institution": ["Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center"],
    "Internal_Name": ["Prostate cancer-MSKCC"],
    "Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
    "Species": ["Human"],
    "Tissue_Tumor": ["Prostate"],
    "Type": ["GCD"],
    "citation": ["Integrative genomic profiling of human prostate cancer. Taylor BS, Schultz N, Hieronymus H, Gopalan A, Xiao Y, Carver BS, Arora VK, Kaushik P, Cerami E, Reva B, Antipin Y, Mitsiades N, Landers T, Dolgalev I, Major JE, Wilson M, Socci ND, Lash AE, Heguy A, Eastham JA, Scher HI, Reuter VE, Scardino PT, Sander C, Sawyers CL, Gerald WL. Cancer Cell. 2010 Jul 13;18(1):11-22.  "],
    "status": ["Current"],
    "uri": ["/repo/v1/dataset/1180"],
    "version": ["1.0.0"]
  "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/annotations"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:36 GMT
ETag: 3
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 1045
Connection: keep-alive

  "blobAnnotations": {},
  "creationDate": null,
  "dateAnnotations": {
    "last_modified_date": [1236297600000],
    "releaseDate": [1221350400000]
  "doubleAnnotations": {},
  "etag": "3",
  "id": "1180",
  "longAnnotations": {
    "Number_of_Samples": [218],
    "number_of_downloads": [32],
    "number_of_followers": [7],
    "pubmed_id": [20579941]
  "stringAnnotations": {
    "Disease": ["Cancer"],
    "Institution": ["Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center"],
    "Internal_Name": ["Prostate cancer-MSKCC"],
    "Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
    "Species": ["Human"],
    "Tissue_Tumor": ["Prostate"],
    "Type": ["GCD"],
    "citation": ["Integrative genomic profiling of human prostate cancer. Taylor BS, Schultz N, Hieronymus H, Gopalan A, Xiao Y, Carver BS, Arora VK, Kaushik P, Cerami E, Reva B, Antipin Y, Mitsiades N, Landers T, Dolgalev I, Major JE, Wilson M, Socci ND, Lash AE, Heguy A, Eastham JA, Scher HI, Reuter VE, Scardino PT, Sander C, Sawyers CL, Gerald WL. Cancer Cell. 2010 Jul 13;18(1):11-22.  "],
    "status": ["Current"],
    "uri": ["/repo/v1/dataset/1180"],
    "version": ["1.0.0"]
  "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/1180/annotations"

Add a Layer to a Dataset

Create a new layer object and set its parentId to be that of the dataset


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{
  "name": "phenotypes",
  "numSamples": "261",
  "parentId": "1180",
  "platform": "",
  "status": "curated",
  "type": "C",
  "version": "1.0.0"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:36 GMT
ETag: 1
Location: /repo/v1/layer/1181
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/layer/1181/acl",
  "annotations": "/repo/v1/layer/1181/annotations",
  "creationDate": 1308156216788,
  "description": null,
  "etag": "1",
  "id": "1181",
  "locations": "/repo/v1/layer/1181/location",
  "name": "phenotypes",
  "numSamples": 261,
  "parentId": "1180",
  "platform": "",
  "previews": "/repo/v1/layer/1181/preview",
  "processingFacility": null,
  "publicationDate": null,
  "qcBy": null,
  "qcDate": null,
  "releaseNotes": null,
  "status": "curated",
  "tissueType": null,
  "type": "C",
  "uri": "/repo/v1/layer/1181",
  "version": "1.0.0"

Add a Location to a Layer

First create the location to which to PUT your data.

First get the presigned S3 URL to use for the upload. You must specify the parentId of the Layer (or Dataset) to which this location belongs.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{
  "md5sum": "b513a23fc54b7b0d65312e1a900af5a6",
  "parentId": "1181",
  "path": "",
  "type": "awss3"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:36 GMT
ETag: 1
Location: /repo/v1/location/1182
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 466
Connection: keep-alive

  "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/location/1182/acl",
  "annotations": "/repo/v1/location/1182/annotations",
  "creationDate": 1308156216963,
  "etag": "1",
  "id": "1182",
  "md5sum": "b513a23fc54b7b0d65312e1a900af5a6",
  "name": "default",
  "parentId": "1181",
  "path": "",
  "type": "awss3",
  "uri": "/repo/v1/location/1182"

The PUT the data to S3

Then PUT the data to S3 via an HTTP Client that supports multipart upload. Note that you must:

  1. Add header Content-Type: application/binary
  2. Add header Content-MD5: <the base64 encoded md5 checksum>
  3. Add header x-amz-acl: bucket-owner-full-control

Here is an example with curl:

curl -v -X PUT -H Content-MD5:tROiP8VLew1lMS4akAr1pg== -H x-amz-acl:bucket-owner-full-control \
 -H Content-Type:application/binary  --data-binary @<localFilepath> \

Add a Preview to a Layer

Create a new preview object and set its parentId to be that of the layer


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{
  "parentId": "1181",
  "previewString": "phenotype_id\tsample_type\tmetastatic_site\tethnicity\tpredxbxpsa\tage\tclinical_primary_gleason\tclinical_secondary_gleason\tclinical_gleason_score\tpre_treatment_psa\tclinical_tnm_stage_t\tneoadjradtx\tchemotx\thormtx\tradtxtype\trp_type\tsms\textra_capsular_extension\tseminal_vesicle_invasion\ttnm_stage_n\tnumber_nodes_removed\tnumber_nodes_positive\tpathologic_tnm_stage_t\tpathologic_primary_gleason\tpathologic_secondary_gleason\tpathologic_gleason_score\tbcr_freetime\tbcr_event\tmetsevent\tsurvtime\tevent\tnomogram_pfp_postrp\tnomogram_nomopred_extra_capsular_extension\tnomogram_nomopred_lni\tnomogram_nomopred_ocd\tnomogram_nomopred_seminal_vesicle_invasion\tcopy_number_cluster\texpression_array_tissue_source\r\nPCA0004\tPRIMARY\tNA\tWhite Non Hispanic\t27.5\t68.93\t3\t2\t5\t11.8\tT2B\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tRP\tNegative\tESTABLISHED\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t13\t0\tT3A\t3\t4\t7\t152.55\tNO\tNO\t152.55\tNO\tNA\t37.937846\t3.593974\t55.082939\tNA\t1\tNA\r\nPCA0006\tPRIMARY\tNA\tWhite Non Hispanic\t15.7\t56.64\t3\t3\t6\t8.2\tT2B\tNA\tNA\tNeoadjuvant HORM\tNA\tRP\tNegative\tNONE\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t4\t0\tT2C\t3\t3\t6\t160.96\tNO\tNO\t160.96\tNO\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\t4\tNA\r\nPCA0016\tPRIMARY\tNA\tWhite Non Hispanic\t12\t67.36\t3\t3\t6\t12\tT2B\tNA\tNA\tNeoadjuvant HORM\tNA\tRP\tNegative\tNONE\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t2\t0\tT2C\t4\t4\t8\t74.22\tNO\tNO\t74.22\tNO\t99\tNA\tNA\tNA\t97.11015465\t2\tNA\r\nPCA0019\tPRIMARY\tNA\tWhite Non Hispanic\t6.6\t68.12\t3\t4\t7\t6.6\tT1C\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tRP\tNegative\tNONE\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t1\t0\tT2C\t3\t3\t6\t110.33\tBCR_Algorithm\tNO\t123.67\tNO\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\t79.85545652\t2\tNA\r\nPCA0023\tPRIMARY\tNA\tBlack Non Hispanic\t4.3\t60.57\t4\t3\t7\t3.88\tT1C\tNA\tNA\tPostHORM\tNA\tRP\tPositive\tNONE\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t2\t0\tT2C\t4\t5\t9\t10.61\tBCR_Algorithm\tNO\t72.84\tDEATH FROM OTHER CANCER\t79.85546\t19.190208\t2.138938\t77.240045\t99\t4\tNA\r\n"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:37 GMT
ETag: 1
Location: /repo/v1/preview/1183
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/preview/1183/acl",
  "annotations": "/repo/v1/preview/1183/annotations",
  "creationDate": 1308156217283,
  "etag": "1",
  "headers": [
  "id": "1183",
  "name": "default",
  "parentId": "1181",
  "previewBlob": null,
  "previewString": "phenotype_id\tsample_type\tmetastatic_site\tethnicity\tpredxbxpsa\tage\tclinical_primary_gleason\tclinical_secondary_gleason\tclinical_gleason_score\tpre_treatment_psa\tclinical_tnm_stage_t\tneoadjradtx\tchemotx\thormtx\tradtxtype\trp_type\tsms\textra_capsular_extension\tseminal_vesicle_invasion\ttnm_stage_n\tnumber_nodes_removed\tnumber_nodes_positive\tpathologic_tnm_stage_t\tpathologic_primary_gleason\tpathologic_secondary_gleason\tpathologic_gleason_score\tbcr_freetime\tbcr_event\tmetsevent\tsurvtime\tevent\tnomogram_pfp_postrp\tnomogram_nomopred_extra_capsular_extension\tnomogram_nomopred_lni\tnomogram_nomopred_ocd\tnomogram_nomopred_seminal_vesicle_invasion\tcopy_number_cluster\texpression_array_tissue_source\r\nPCA0004\tPRIMARY\tNA\tWhite Non Hispanic\t27.5\t68.93\t3\t2\t5\t11.8\tT2B\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tRP\tNegative\tESTABLISHED\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t13\t0\tT3A\t3\t4\t7\t152.55\tNO\tNO\t152.55\tNO\tNA\t37.937846\t3.593974\t55.082939\tNA\t1\tNA\r\nPCA0006\tPRIMARY\tNA\tWhite Non Hispanic\t15.7\t56.64\t3\t3\t6\t8.2\tT2B\tNA\tNA\tNeoadjuvant HORM\tNA\tRP\tNegative\tNONE\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t4\t0\tT2C\t3\t3\t6\t160.96\tNO\tNO\t160.96\tNO\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\t4\tNA\r\nPCA0016\tPRIMARY\tNA\tWhite Non Hispanic\t12\t67.36\t3\t3\t6\t12\tT2B\tNA\tNA\tNeoadjuvant HORM\tNA\tRP\tNegative\tNONE\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t2\t0\tT2C\t4\t4\t8\t74.22\tNO\tNO\t74.22\tNO\t99\tNA\tNA\tNA\t97.11015465\t2\tNA\r\nPCA0019\tPRIMARY\tNA\tWhite Non Hispanic\t6.6\t68.12\t3\t4\t7\t6.6\tT1C\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\tRP\tNegative\tNONE\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t1\t0\tT2C\t3\t3\t6\t110.33\tBCR_Algorithm\tNO\t123.67\tNO\tNA\tNA\tNA\tNA\t79.85545652\t2\tNA\r\nPCA0023\tPRIMARY\tNA\tBlack Non Hispanic\t4.3\t60.57\t4\t3\t7\t3.88\tT1C\tNA\tNA\tPostHORM\tNA\tRP\tPositive\tNONE\tNegative\tNormal_N0\t2\t0\tT2C\t4\t5\t9\t10.61\tBCR_Algorithm\tNO\t72.84\tDEATH FROM OTHER CANCER\t79.85546\t19.190208\t2.138938\t77.240045\t99\t4\tNA\r\n",
  "rows": [
      "age": "68.93",
      "bcr_event": "NO",
      "bcr_freetime": "152.55",
      "chemotx": "NA",
      "clinical_gleason_score": "5",
      "clinical_primary_gleason": "3",
      "clinical_secondary_gleason": "2",
      "clinical_tnm_stage_t": "T2B",
      "copy_number_cluster": "1",
      "ethnicity": "White Non Hispanic",
      "event": "NO",
      "expression_array_tissue_source\r": "NA\r",
      "extra_capsular_extension": "ESTABLISHED",
      "hormtx": "NA",
      "metastatic_site": "NA",
      "metsevent": "NO",
      "neoadjradtx": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_extra_capsular_extension": "37.937846",
      "nomogram_nomopred_lni": "3.593974",
      "nomogram_nomopred_ocd": "55.082939",
      "nomogram_nomopred_seminal_vesicle_invasion": "NA",
      "nomogram_pfp_postrp": "NA",
      "number_nodes_positive": "0",
      "number_nodes_removed": "13",
      "pathologic_gleason_score": "7",
      "pathologic_primary_gleason": "3",
      "pathologic_secondary_gleason": "4",
      "pathologic_tnm_stage_t": "T3A",
      "phenotype_id": "PCA0004",
      "pre_treatment_psa": "11.8",
      "predxbxpsa": "27.5",
      "radtxtype": "NA",
      "rp_type": "RP",
      "sample_type": "PRIMARY",
      "seminal_vesicle_invasion": "Negative",
      "sms": "Negative",
      "survtime": "152.55",
      "tnm_stage_n": "Normal_N0"
      "age": "56.64",
      "bcr_event": "NO",
      "bcr_freetime": "160.96",
      "chemotx": "NA",
      "clinical_gleason_score": "6",
      "clinical_primary_gleason": "3",
      "clinical_secondary_gleason": "3",
      "clinical_tnm_stage_t": "T2B",
      "copy_number_cluster": "4",
      "ethnicity": "White Non Hispanic",
      "event": "NO",
      "expression_array_tissue_source\r": "NA\r",
      "extra_capsular_extension": "NONE",
      "hormtx": "Neoadjuvant HORM",
      "metastatic_site": "NA",
      "metsevent": "NO",
      "neoadjradtx": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_extra_capsular_extension": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_lni": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_ocd": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_seminal_vesicle_invasion": "NA",
      "nomogram_pfp_postrp": "NA",
      "number_nodes_positive": "0",
      "number_nodes_removed": "4",
      "pathologic_gleason_score": "6",
      "pathologic_primary_gleason": "3",
      "pathologic_secondary_gleason": "3",
      "pathologic_tnm_stage_t": "T2C",
      "phenotype_id": "PCA0006",
      "pre_treatment_psa": "8.2",
      "predxbxpsa": "15.7",
      "radtxtype": "NA",
      "rp_type": "RP",
      "sample_type": "PRIMARY",
      "seminal_vesicle_invasion": "Negative",
      "sms": "Negative",
      "survtime": "160.96",
      "tnm_stage_n": "Normal_N0"
      "age": "67.36",
      "bcr_event": "NO",
      "bcr_freetime": "74.22",
      "chemotx": "NA",
      "clinical_gleason_score": "6",
      "clinical_primary_gleason": "3",
      "clinical_secondary_gleason": "3",
      "clinical_tnm_stage_t": "T2B",
      "copy_number_cluster": "2",
      "ethnicity": "White Non Hispanic",
      "event": "NO",
      "expression_array_tissue_source\r": "NA\r",
      "extra_capsular_extension": "NONE",
      "hormtx": "Neoadjuvant HORM",
      "metastatic_site": "NA",
      "metsevent": "NO",
      "neoadjradtx": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_extra_capsular_extension": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_lni": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_ocd": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_seminal_vesicle_invasion": "97.11015465",
      "nomogram_pfp_postrp": "99",
      "number_nodes_positive": "0",
      "number_nodes_removed": "2",
      "pathologic_gleason_score": "8",
      "pathologic_primary_gleason": "4",
      "pathologic_secondary_gleason": "4",
      "pathologic_tnm_stage_t": "T2C",
      "phenotype_id": "PCA0016",
      "pre_treatment_psa": "12",
      "predxbxpsa": "12",
      "radtxtype": "NA",
      "rp_type": "RP",
      "sample_type": "PRIMARY",
      "seminal_vesicle_invasion": "Negative",
      "sms": "Negative",
      "survtime": "74.22",
      "tnm_stage_n": "Normal_N0"
      "age": "68.12",
      "bcr_event": "BCR_Algorithm",
      "bcr_freetime": "110.33",
      "chemotx": "NA",
      "clinical_gleason_score": "7",
      "clinical_primary_gleason": "3",
      "clinical_secondary_gleason": "4",
      "clinical_tnm_stage_t": "T1C",
      "copy_number_cluster": "2",
      "ethnicity": "White Non Hispanic",
      "event": "NO",
      "expression_array_tissue_source\r": "NA\r",
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      "pathologic_gleason_score": "6",
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      "pathologic_tnm_stage_t": "T2C",
      "phenotype_id": "PCA0019",
      "pre_treatment_psa": "6.6",
      "predxbxpsa": "6.6",
      "radtxtype": "NA",
      "rp_type": "RP",
      "sample_type": "PRIMARY",
      "seminal_vesicle_invasion": "Negative",
      "sms": "Negative",
      "survtime": "123.67",
      "tnm_stage_n": "Normal_N0"
      "age": "60.57",
      "bcr_event": "BCR_Algorithm",
      "bcr_freetime": "10.61",
      "chemotx": "NA",
      "clinical_gleason_score": "7",
      "clinical_primary_gleason": "4",
      "clinical_secondary_gleason": "3",
      "clinical_tnm_stage_t": "T1C",
      "copy_number_cluster": "4",
      "ethnicity": "Black Non Hispanic",
      "event": "DEATH FROM OTHER CANCER",
      "expression_array_tissue_source\r": "NA\r",
      "extra_capsular_extension": "NONE",
      "hormtx": "PostHORM",
      "metastatic_site": "NA",
      "metsevent": "NO",
      "neoadjradtx": "NA",
      "nomogram_nomopred_extra_capsular_extension": "19.190208",
      "nomogram_nomopred_lni": "2.138938",
      "nomogram_nomopred_ocd": "77.240045",
      "nomogram_nomopred_seminal_vesicle_invasion": "99",
      "nomogram_pfp_postrp": "79.85546",
      "number_nodes_positive": "0",
      "number_nodes_removed": "2",
      "pathologic_gleason_score": "9",
      "pathologic_primary_gleason": "4",
      "pathologic_secondary_gleason": "5",
      "pathologic_tnm_stage_t": "T2C",
      "phenotype_id": "PCA0023",
      "pre_treatment_psa": "3.88",
      "predxbxpsa": "4.3",
      "radtxtype": "NA",
      "rp_type": "RP",
      "sample_type": "PRIMARY",
      "seminal_vesicle_invasion": "Negative",
      "sms": "Positive",
      "survtime": "72.84",
      "tnm_stage_n": "Normal_N0"
  "uri": "/repo/v1/preview/1183"

Delete a Dataset

Note that the request is a DELETE and no content is returned. Also note that this will delete all of the datasets layers, etc.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json -X DELETE


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-length: 0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:37 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Connection: keep-alive

Log into Synapse

You must have an account with permission to view entities in Synapse.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{
  "email": "",
  "password": "thisIsAFakePassword"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:42 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "displayName": "MyFirstName MyLastName",
  "sessionToken": "XXXXXXXXXXXX"

Query API

The Query API is loosely modeled after Facebook's Query Language.


'Select *' Query

These queries are generally of the form:

SELECT * FROM <data type> [LIMIT <#>] [OFFSET <#>]


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json '*+from+dataset+limit+3+offset+1'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:43 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "results": [
      "dataset.Disease": ["Cancer"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["Prostate cancer-MSKCC"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [261],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": ["Solly Sieberts"],
      "dataset.Species": ["Human"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Prostate"],
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["Integrative genomic profiling of human prostate cancer. Taylor BS et al., Cancer Cell. 2010 Jul 13;18(1):11-22.  "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664962614,
      "dataset.creator": "Charles Sawyers",
      "dataset.curator": ["Matt Furia"],
      "dataset.description": "Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been identified that lead to transcriptional Annotation of prostate cancer genomes provides a foundation for discoveries that can impact disease understanding and treatment. Concordant assessment of DNA copy number, mRNA expression, and focused exon resequencing in the 218 prostate cancer tumors represented in this dataset haveidentified the nuclear receptor coactivator NCOA2 as an oncogene in approximately 11% of tumors. Additionally, the androgen-driven TMPRSS2-ERG fusion was associated with a previously unrecognized, prostate-specific deletion at chromosome 3p14 that implicates FOXP1, RYBP, and SHQ1 as potential cooperative tumor suppressors. DNA copy-number data from primary tumors revealed that copy-number alterations robustly define clusters of low- and high-risk disease beyond that achieved by Gleason score.  ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": true,
      "": "580",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1236297600000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/location",
      "": "MSKCC Prostate Cancer",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [32],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [7],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [20579941],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1221350400000,
      "dataset.status": "Current",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
      "dataset.Disease": ["Metabolic Disease"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["UCLA"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["BxD"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [111],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["No Restriction"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": ["Solly Sieberts"],
      "dataset.Species": ["Mouse"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Liver"],
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/581/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["Genetic loci determining bone density in mice with diet-induced atherosclerosis.  Drake TA, Schadt E, Hannani K, Kabo JM, Krass K, Colinayo V, Greaser LE 3rd, Goldin J, Lusis AJ. Physiol Genomics. 2001 Apr 27;5(4):205-15. PMID: 11328966   Genetics of gene expression surveyed in maize, mouse and man. Schadt EE, Monks SA, Drake TA, Lusis AJ, Che N, Colinayo V, Ruff TG, Milligan SB, Lamb JR, Cavet G, Linsley PS, Mao M, Stoughton RB, Friend SH. Nature. 2003 Mar 20;422(6929):297-302.PMID: 12646919 "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664963420,
      "dataset.creator": "Jake Lusis",
      "dataset.curator": ["Matt Furia"],
      "dataset.description": "111 female F2 progeny of a C57BL/6J and DBA/2J intercross were examined for multiple measures of femoral bone mass, density, and biomechanical properties using both computerized tomographic and radiographic methods. In addition, body weight and length, adipose tissue mass, plasma lipids and insulin, and aortic fatty lesions were assessed. Mice were on a rodent chow diet up to 12 months of age, and then switched to an atherogenic high-fat, high-cholesterol diet for another 4 months. Mice were killed at 16 months of age.  Liver tissue was profiled for expression traits using a custom mouse gene oligonucleotide microarray (Rosetta Inpharmatics) that contained 23,574 non-control oligonucleotide probes for mouse genes and 2,186 control probes. All microarrays were custom ink-jet microarrays fabricated by Agilent Technologies. A complete linkage map for all chromosomes except Y in mouse was constructed at an average density of 13cM using microsatellite markers. ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": true,
      "": "581",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1290384000000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/581/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/581/location",
      "": "Mouse Model of Diet-Induced Atherosclerosis",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [60],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [101],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [18406497],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1280966400000,
      "dataset.status": "Current",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
      "dataset.Disease": ["CVD"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["UCLA"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["BxH ApoE"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [334],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["No Restriction"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": ["Solly Sieberts"],
      "dataset.Species": ["Mouse"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": [
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/582/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["Integrating genetic and network analysis to characterize genes related to mouse weight. Ghazalpour, A., et al., PLoS Genet, 2006. 2(8): p. e130.  Dosage compensation is less effective in birds than in mammals. Itoh, Y., et al., J Biol, 2007. 6(1): p. 2.  Elucidating the murine brain transcriptional network in a segregating mouse population to identify core functional modules for obesity and diabetes.  Lum, P.Y., et al., J Neurochem, 2006. 97 Suppl 1: p. 50-62.  Identification of Abcc6 as the major causal gene for dystrophic cardiac calcification in mice through integrative genomics. Meng, H., et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2007. 104(11): p. 4530-5.  Mapping the genetic architecture of gene expression in human liver. Schadt, E.E., et al.,  PLoS Biol, 2008. 6(5): p. e107.  Elucidating the role of gonadal hormones in sexually dimorphic gene coexpression networks.  van Nas, A., et al., Endocrinology, 2009. 150(3): p. 1235-49.  Identification of pathways for atherosclerosis in mice: integration of quantitative trait locus analysis and global gene expression data. Wang, S.S., et al., Circ Res, 2007. 101(3): p. e11-30.  Tissue-specific expression and regulation of sexually dimorphic genes in mice. Yang, X., et al., Genome Res, 2006. 16(8): p. 995-1004. "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664964238,
      "dataset.creator": "Jake Lusis",
      "dataset.curator": ["Matt Furia"],
      "dataset.description": "C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ inbred mouse strains exhibit dramatically different cardiovascular and metabolic phenotypes on the hyperlipidemic apolipoprotein E (Apoe) null background.  In order to identify the genes that contribute to these differences, we constructed an F2 intercross between the B6.Apoe-/- and C3H.Apoe-/- strains consisting of 334 animals.  The mice were fed on a chow diet until 8 weeks of age, then fed a high fat (42% fat) \"western\" diet for 16 weeks to exacerbate the phenotypes and euthanized at 24 weeks of age via cervical dislocation.  Prior to death, mice were fasted for 4 hours in the morning, anesthetized using Isoflurane, and weighed.   Blood was collected by retro-orbital bleed; plasma was frozen at -800C.  We measured plasma cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, free fatty acids, glucose, insulin, leptin, adiponectin and PON1 activity levels.  Liver, brain, skeletal muscle (hamstring) and adipose (gonadal fat pad) were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. RNA was isolated from the tissues using the Trizol method and utilized in microarray analysis on a custom 60mer Agilent chip (reference for chip would be useful).  Hepatic cholesterol, triglyceride and free fatty acid levels were also measured.  Hearts and aortae were extracted, perfused and fixed for atherosclerotic lesion analysis.  The aortic arch was serially sectioned through to the aortic sinus with every fifth 10um section stained with hematoxylin and oil-red-o, which specifically stains lipids.  Slides were examined by light microscopy.  The fatty streak lesion area was quantified using an ocular with a grid; forty sections per mouse were quantified and averaged.  Vascular calcification and aneurysm formation were also measured in a semi-quantitative manner based on presence or absence and size or severity. DNA was isolated from kidney using a phenol chloroform extraction method.  The mice were genotyped at 1500 SNPs using the ParAllele molecular inversion probe technology; 1353 SNPs passed quality control for a final marker density of 1.5cM. ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": true,
      "": "582",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1315699200000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/582/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/582/location",
      "": "Mouse Model of Sexually Dimorphic Atherosclerotic Traits",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [24],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [93],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [19147482],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1252454400000,
      "dataset.status": "Current",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 119

'Order By' Query

These queries are generally of the form:

SELECT * FROM <data type> ORDER BY <field name> [ASC|DESC] [LIMIT <#>] [OFFSET #]


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json '*+from+dataset+order+by+Number_of_Samples+DESC+limit+3+offset+1'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:43 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "results": [
      "dataset.Disease": ["Multiple"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["NHLBI"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["Framingham"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [5000],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["Link to data source"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": [""],
      "dataset.Species": ["Human"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Blood"],
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/616/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["Genetics of the Framingham Heart Study population.  Govindaraju DR, Cupples LA, Kannel WB, O'Donnell CJ, Atwood LD, D'Agostino RB Sr, Fox CS, Larson M, Levy D, Murabito J, Vasan RS, Splansky GL, Wolf PA, Benjamin EJ.Adv Genet. 2008;62:33-65. "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664992810,
      "dataset.creator": "Dan Levy",
      "dataset.curator": [""],
      "dataset.description": "The Framingham Heart Study comprises a longitudinal three-generation population study (n~15,000). Genotyping at 500K SNPs is available for ~9,500 individuals and gene expression for blood on 5,000-7,000. Phenotypes in the cohort include serum lipid/cholesterol, CRP, glucose levels, adiposity measures, hypertension, T2D, chronic kidney disease, imaging measures and heart disease outcomes (MI, failure) ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": false,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": false,
      "": "616",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1246838400000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/616/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/616/location",
      "": "Framingham Heart Study",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [42],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [115],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [18201960],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1210032000000,
      "dataset.status": "Future",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
      "dataset.Disease": ["Cancer"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["Asian Cancer Research Group, Inc., (ACRG)"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["ACRG_gastric"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [2000],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": [""],
      "dataset.Species": ["Human"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Stomach"],
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/594/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["This study is not yet published. "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664974277,
      "dataset.creator": "Asian Cancer Research Group, Inc., (ACRG)",
      "dataset.curator": [""],
      "dataset.description": "Eli Lilly and Company, Merck, and Pfizer Inc. have formed the Asian Cancer Research Group, Inc., (ACRG), an independent, not-for-profit company established to accelerate research and ultimately improve treatment for patients affected with the most commonly-diagnosed cancers in Asia. Over the next two years ACRG have committed to create one of the most extensive pharmacogenomic cancer databases known to date. This database will be composed of data from approximately 2,000 tissue samples from patients with lung and gastric cancer that will be made publicly available to researchers and, over time, further populated with clinical data from a longitudinal analysis of patients. Comparison of the contrasting genomic signatures of these cancers could inform new approaches to treatment ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": true,
      "": "594",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1288915200000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/594/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/594/location",
      "": "Gastric Cancer ACRG",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [55],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [79],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [20705566],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1215129600000,
      "dataset.status": "Future",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
      "dataset.Disease": ["Cancer"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["Asian Cancer Research Group, Inc., (ACRG)"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["ACRG_lung"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [2000],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": [""],
      "dataset.Species": ["Human"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Lung"],
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/595/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["This study is not yet published.   "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664975069,
      "dataset.creator": "Asian Cancer Research Group, Inc., (ACRG)",
      "dataset.curator": [""],
      "dataset.description": "Eli Lilly and Company, Merck, and Pfizer Inc. have formed the Asian Cancer Research Group, Inc., (ACRG), an independent, not-for-profit company established to accelerate research and ultimately improve treatment for patients affected with the most commonly-diagnosed cancers in Asia. Over the next two years ACRG have committed to create one of the most extensive pharmacogenomic cancer databases known to date. This database will be composed of data from approximately 2,000 tissue samples from patients with lung and gastric cancer that will be made publicly available to researchers and, over time, further populated with clinical data from a longitudinal analysis of patients. Comparison of the contrasting genomic signatures of these cancers could inform new approaches to treatment ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": true,
      "": "595",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1319500800000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/595/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/595/location",
      "": "Lung Cancer ACRG",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [34],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [83],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [21821572],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1267660800000,
      "dataset.status": "Future",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 119

Single clause 'Where' Query

These queries are generally of the form:

SELECT * FROM <data type> WHERE <expression> (AND <expression>)* [LIMIT <#>] [OFFSET #]

<expresssion> := <field name> <operator> <value>

<value> should be in quotes for strings, but not numbers (i.e. name == "Smith" AND size > 10)

Curently supported <operators> with their required URL escape codes:



URL Escape Code




Does Not equal



Greater Than



Less than



Greater than or equals



Less than or equals




curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json '*+from+dataset+where+name+==+%22MSKCC+Prostate+Cancer%22'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:43 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "results": [{
    "dataset.Disease": ["Cancer"],
    "dataset.Institution": ["Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center"],
    "dataset.Internal_Name": ["Prostate cancer-MSKCC"],
    "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [261],
    "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
    "dataset.QC_statistician": ["Solly Sieberts"],
    "dataset.Species": ["Human"],
    "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Prostate"],
    "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
    "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/acl",
    "dataset.citation": ["Integrative genomic profiling of human prostate cancer. Taylor BS et al., Cancer Cell. 2010 Jul 13;18(1):11-22.  "],
    "dataset.creationDate": 1307664962614,
    "dataset.creator": "Charles Sawyers",
    "dataset.curator": ["Matt Furia"],
    "dataset.description": "Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been identified that lead to transcriptional Annotation of prostate cancer genomes provides a foundation for discoveries that can impact disease understanding and treatment. Concordant assessment of DNA copy number, mRNA expression, and focused exon resequencing in the 218 prostate cancer tumors represented in this dataset haveidentified the nuclear receptor coactivator NCOA2 as an oncogene in approximately 11% of tumors. Additionally, the androgen-driven TMPRSS2-ERG fusion was associated with a previously unrecognized, prostate-specific deletion at chromosome 3p14 that implicates FOXP1, RYBP, and SHQ1 as potential cooperative tumor suppressors. DNA copy-number data from primary tumors revealed that copy-number alterations robustly define clusters of low- and high-risk disease beyond that achieved by Gleason score.  ",
    "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
    "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
    "dataset.hasGeneticData": true,
    "": "580",
    "dataset.last_modified_date": [1236297600000],
    "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/layer",
    "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/location",
    "": "MSKCC Prostate Cancer",
    "dataset.number_of_downloads": [32],
    "dataset.number_of_followers": [7],
    "dataset.parentId": "579",
    "dataset.pubmed_id": [20579941],
    "dataset.releaseDate": 1221350400000,
    "dataset.status": "Current",
    "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 1

Multiple clause 'Where' Query

These queries are generally of the form:

SELECT * FROM <data type> WHERE <expression> (AND <expression>)* [LIMIT <#>] [OFFSET #]

<expresssion> := <field name> <operator> <value>

<value> should be in quotes for strings, but not numbers (i.e. name == "Smith" AND size > 10)

Curently supported <operators> with their required URL escape codes:



URL Escape Code




Does Not equal



Greater Than



Less than



Greater than or equals



Less than or equals




curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json '*+from+dataset+where+dataset.Species+==+%22Human%22+and+dataset.Number_of_Samples+%3E+100+limit+3+offset+1'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:44 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "results": [
      "dataset.Disease": ["Cancer"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["Prostate cancer-MSKCC"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [261],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": ["Solly Sieberts"],
      "dataset.Species": ["Human"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Prostate"],
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["Integrative genomic profiling of human prostate cancer. Taylor BS et al., Cancer Cell. 2010 Jul 13;18(1):11-22.  "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664962614,
      "dataset.creator": "Charles Sawyers",
      "dataset.curator": ["Matt Furia"],
      "dataset.description": "Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been identified that lead to transcriptional Annotation of prostate cancer genomes provides a foundation for discoveries that can impact disease understanding and treatment. Concordant assessment of DNA copy number, mRNA expression, and focused exon resequencing in the 218 prostate cancer tumors represented in this dataset haveidentified the nuclear receptor coactivator NCOA2 as an oncogene in approximately 11% of tumors. Additionally, the androgen-driven TMPRSS2-ERG fusion was associated with a previously unrecognized, prostate-specific deletion at chromosome 3p14 that implicates FOXP1, RYBP, and SHQ1 as potential cooperative tumor suppressors. DNA copy-number data from primary tumors revealed that copy-number alterations robustly define clusters of low- and high-risk disease beyond that achieved by Gleason score.  ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": true,
      "": "580",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1236297600000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/location",
      "": "MSKCC Prostate Cancer",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [32],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [7],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [20579941],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1221350400000,
      "dataset.status": "Current",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
      "dataset.Disease": ["CVD"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["Vanderbilt University/ University of Pittsburg/ StJudes Hospital"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["Deliver"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [517],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["Link to data source"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": ["Solly Sieberts"],
      "dataset.Species": ["Human"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Liver"],
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/583/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["Mapping the genetic architecture of gene expression in human liver. Eric E. Schadt, Cliona Molony, Eugene Chudin, Ke Hao, Xia Yang, Pek Y. Lum, Andrew Kasarskis, Bin Zhang, Susanna Wang, Christine Suver, Jun Zhu, Joshua Millstein, Solveig Sieberts, John Lamb, Debraj GuhaThakurta, Jonathan Derry, John D. Storey, Iliana Avila-Campillo, Mark J. Kruger, Jason M. Johnson, Carol A. Rohl, Atila van Nas, Margarete Mehrabian, Thomas A. Drake, Aldons J. Lusis, Ryan C. Smith, F. Peter Guengerich, Stephen C. Strom, Erin Schuetz, Thomas H. Rushmore, Roger Ulrich. PLoS Biol, 2008. 6(5): p. e107. PMID: 18462017 \t \t Systematic Genetic and Genomic Analysis of Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Activities in Human Liver. Xia Yang, Bin Zhang, Cliona Molony, Eugene Chudin, Ke Hao, Jun Zhu, Christine Suver, Hua Zhong, F. Peter Guengerich, Stephen C. Strom, Erin Schuetz, Thomas H. Rushmore, Roger G. Ulrich, J. Greg Slatter, Eric E. Schadt, Andrew Kasarskis, Pek Yee Lum. Genome Res. 2010 Aug;20(8):1020-36.   "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664965143,
      "dataset.creator": "Fred Guengrich/Steve Strom/ Erin Schuetz",
      "dataset.curator": ["Matt Furia"],
      "dataset.description": "The Human Liver Cohort (HLC) study aimed to characterize the genetic architecture of gene expression in human liver using genotyping, gene expression profiling, and enzyme activity measurements of Cytochrom P450. The HLC was assembled from a total of 780 liver samples screened.  These liver samples were acquired from caucasian individuals from three independant tissue collection centers.   DNA samples were genotyped on the Affymetrix 500K SNP and Illumina 650Y SNP genotyping arrays representing a total of 782,476 unique single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Only the genotype data from those samples which were collected postmortem are accessible in dbGap and here.  These 228 samples represent a subset of the 427 samples included in the Human Liver Cohort Publication (Schadt, Molony et al. 2008).  RNA samples were profiled on a custom Agilent 44,000 feature microarray composed of 39,280 oligonucleotide probes targeting transcripts representing 34,266 known and predicted genes, including high-confidence, noncoding RNA sequences. Each of the liver samples was processed into cytosol and microsomes using a standard differential centrifugation method. The activities of nine P450 enzymes (CYP1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, and 3A4) in isolated microsomes from 398 HLC liver samples were measured in the microsome preparations using probe substrate metabolism assays  expressed as nmol/min/mg protein.  Each was measured with a single substrate except for the CYP3A4 activity that was measured using two substrates, midazolam and testosterone. ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": false,
      "": "583",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1307404800000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/583/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/583/location",
      "": "Human Liver Cohort",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [57],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [31],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [16258887],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1240099200000,
      "dataset.status": "Current",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
      "dataset.Disease": ["Cancer"],
      "dataset.Institution": ["GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)"],
      "dataset.Internal_Name": ["GSK_Cell_Lines"],
      "dataset.Number_of_Samples": [649],
      "dataset.Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
      "dataset.QC_statistician": ["Solly Sieberts"],
      "dataset.Species": ["Human"],
      "dataset.Tissue_Tumor": ["Cell Line"],
      "dataset.Type": ["GCD"],
      "dataset.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/585/acl",
      "dataset.citation": ["This data set was generated and is provided for public use by GlaxoSmithKline. "],
      "dataset.creationDate": 1307664966911,
      "dataset.creator": "Richard Wooster",
      "dataset.curator": ["Matt Furia"],
      "dataset.description": "GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has released the genomic profiling data for over 300 cancer cell lines via the National Cancer Institute?s cancer Bioinformatics Grid? (caBIG). Cancer cell lines can be manipulated in the laboratory and have been used extensively by GSK in the discovery and development of novel cancer therapeutics. These data are available through caArray. ",
      "dataset.hasClinicalData": true,
      "dataset.hasExpressionData": true,
      "dataset.hasGeneticData": true,
      "": "585",
      "dataset.last_modified_date": [1257724800000],
      "dataset.layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/585/layer",
      "dataset.locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/585/location",
      "": "Cancer Cell line Panel",
      "dataset.number_of_downloads": [70],
      "dataset.number_of_followers": [51],
      "dataset.parentId": "579",
      "dataset.pubmed_id": [20290476],
      "dataset.releaseDate": 1229731200000,
      "dataset.status": "Current",
      "dataset.version": "1.0.0"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 68

'Select *' Query for the Layers of a Dataset

These queries are generally of the form:

SELECT * FROM layer WHERE layer.parentId == <parentId> [LIMIT <#>] [OFFSET <#>]


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json '*+from+layer+where+layer.parentId+==+%22580%22'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:44 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "results": [
      "layer.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/layer/710/acl",
      "layer.creationDate": 1307665065353,
      "layer.description": null,
      "": "710",
      "layer.locations": "/repo/v1/layer/710/location",
      "": "Curated phenotypes",
      "layer.numSamples": 261,
      "layer.parentId": "580",
      "layer.platform": "NA",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/710/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
      "layer.releaseNotes": null,
      "layer.status": "curated",
      "layer.tissueType": null,
      "layer.type": "C",
      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
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      "layer.creationDate": 1307665066311,
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      "": "sequencing",
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      "layer.platform": "iPLEX Sequenom ",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/713/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
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      "layer.tissueType": null,
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      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
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      "layer.creationDate": 1307665067243,
      "layer.description": null,
      "": "716",
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      "": "CNV",
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      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/716/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
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      "layer.status": "curated",
      "layer.tissueType": null,
      "layer.type": "G",
      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
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      "layer.creationDate": 1307665068444,
      "layer.description": null,
      "": "719",
      "layer.locations": "/repo/v1/layer/719/location",
      "": "miRNA expression",
      "layer.numSamples": 142,
      "layer.parentId": "580",
      "layer.platform": "Agilent microRNA V2 arrays",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/719/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
      "layer.releaseNotes": null,
      "layer.status": "curated",
      "layer.tissueType": null,
      "layer.type": "E",
      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
      "layer.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/layer/722/acl",
      "layer.creationDate": 1307665069473,
      "layer.description": null,
      "": "722",
      "layer.locations": "/repo/v1/layer/722/location",
      "": "exon expression",
      "layer.numSamples": 184,
      "layer.parentId": "580",
      "layer.platform": "Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST array",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/722/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
      "layer.releaseNotes": null,
      "layer.status": "curated",
      "layer.tissueType": null,
      "layer.type": "E",
      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
      "layer.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/layer/725/acl",
      "layer.creationDate": 1307665070505,
      "layer.description": null,
      "": "725",
      "layer.locations": "/repo/v1/layer/725/location",
      "": "QCed phenotypes",
      "layer.numSamples": 261,
      "layer.parentId": "580",
      "layer.platform": "NA",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/725/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
      "layer.releaseNotes": null,
      "layer.status": "QCed",
      "layer.tissueType": null,
      "layer.type": "C",
      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 6

'Order By' Query for the Layers of a Dataset

These queries are generally of the form:

SELECT * FROM layer WHERE layer.parentId == <parentId> ORDER BY <field name> [ASC|DESC] [LIMIT <#>] [OFFSET <#>]


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json '*+from+layer+where+layer.parentId+==+%22580%22+ORDER+BY+type'


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:44 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

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      "layer.creationDate": 1307665070505,
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      "": "QCed phenotypes",
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      "layer.platform": "NA",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/725/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
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      "": "Curated phenotypes",
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      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
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      "": "exon expression",
      "layer.numSamples": 184,
      "layer.parentId": "580",
      "layer.platform": "Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST array",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/722/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
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      "layer.status": "curated",
      "layer.tissueType": null,
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      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
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      "layer.creationDate": 1307665068444,
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      "": "719",
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      "": "miRNA expression",
      "layer.numSamples": 142,
      "layer.parentId": "580",
      "layer.platform": "Agilent microRNA V2 arrays",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/719/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
      "layer.releaseNotes": null,
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      "layer.tissueType": null,
      "layer.type": "E",
      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
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      "layer.creationDate": 1307665066311,
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      "": "sequencing",
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      "layer.parentId": "580",
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      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/713/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
      "layer.releaseNotes": null,
      "layer.status": "curated",
      "layer.tissueType": null,
      "layer.type": "G",
      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
      "layer.accessControlList": "/repo/v1/layer/716/acl",
      "layer.creationDate": 1307665067243,
      "layer.description": null,
      "": "716",
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      "": "CNV",
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      "layer.parentId": "580",
      "layer.platform": "Agilent 244K array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) microarrays",
      "layer.previews": "/repo/v1/layer/716/preview",
      "layer.processingFacility": null,
      "layer.publicationDate": null,
      "layer.qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "layer.qcDate": null,
      "layer.releaseNotes": null,
      "layer.status": "curated",
      "layer.tissueType": null,
      "layer.type": "G",
      "layer.version": "1.0.0"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 6


Query Response Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:45 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 126
Connection: keep-alive

  "properties": {
    "results": {
      "items": {"type": "object"},
      "type": "array"
    "totalNumberOfResults": {"type": "number"}
  "type": "object"


The REST API took inspiration from several successful REST APIs:

Read-Only Examples

Get All Datasets

Optional Parameters


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:45 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 3026
Connection: keep-alive

  "paging": {"next": "/repo/v1/dataset?offset=4&limit=3&sort=name&ascending=true"},
  "results": [
      "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/654/acl",
      "annotations": "/repo/v1/dataset/654/annotations",
      "creationDate": 1307665024793,
      "creator": "Stephen Friend",
      "description": "Clinical outcomes with responder/non-responder status for standard of care therapies. Partial retrospective, partial prospective. Patient-driven. Minimum full exome sequencing. ",
      "etag": "2",
      "hasClinicalData": true,
      "hasExpressionData": true,
      "hasGeneticData": true,
      "id": "654",
      "layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/654/layer",
      "locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/654/location",
      "name": "AML Nonresponders Cohort",
      "parentId": "579",
      "releaseDate": 1301270400000,
      "status": "Future",
      "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/654",
      "version": "1.0.0"
      "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/673/acl",
      "annotations": "/repo/v1/dataset/673/annotations",
      "creationDate": 1307665041228,
      "creator": "TCGA",
      "description": "The Cancer Genome Atlas is generating multiple levels of genomic information on a panel of 500 AML tumor samples.  For more information, go to:  ",
      "etag": "2",
      "hasClinicalData": true,
      "hasExpressionData": true,
      "hasGeneticData": true,
      "id": "673",
      "layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/673/layer",
      "locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/673/location",
      "name": "AML TCGA",
      "parentId": "579",
      "releaseDate": 1258243200000,
      "status": "Future",
      "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/673",
      "version": "1.0.0"
      "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/612/acl",
      "annotations": "/repo/v1/dataset/612/annotations",
      "creationDate": 1307664989566,
      "creator": "Cookson",
      "description": "We have created a global map of the effects of polymorphism on gene expression in 400 children from families recruited through a proband with asthma. We genotyped 408,273 SNPs and identified expression quantitative trait loci from measurements of 54,675 transcripts representing 20,599 genes in Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines. We found that 15,084 transcripts (28%) representing 6,660 genes had narrow-sense heritabilities (H2) > 0.3. We executed genome-wide association scans for these traits and found peak lod scores between 3.68 and 59.1. The most highly heritable traits were markedly enriched in Gene Ontology descriptors for response to unfolded protein (chaperonins and heat shock proteins), regulation of progression through the cell cycle, RNA processing, DNA repair, immune responses and apoptosis. SNPs that regulate expression of these genes are candidates in the study of degenerative diseases, malignancy, infection and inflammation. We have created a downloadable database to facilitate use of our findings in the mapping of complex disease loci. ",
      "etag": "2",
      "hasClinicalData": true,
      "hasExpressionData": true,
      "hasGeneticData": true,
      "id": "612",
      "layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/612/layer",
      "locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/612/location",
      "name": "Asthma Human Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines",
      "parentId": "579",
      "releaseDate": 1241395200000,
      "status": "Future",
      "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/612",
      "version": "1.0.0"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 119

Get a Dataset

This returns the primary fields of a dataset and links to get additional info.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:45 GMT
ETag: 2
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/acl",
  "annotations": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/annotations",
  "creationDate": 1307664962614,
  "creator": "Charles Sawyers",
  "description": "Genetic and epigenetic alterations have been identified that lead to transcriptional Annotation of prostate cancer genomes provides a foundation for discoveries that can impact disease understanding and treatment. Concordant assessment of DNA copy number, mRNA expression, and focused exon resequencing in the 218 prostate cancer tumors represented in this dataset haveidentified the nuclear receptor coactivator NCOA2 as an oncogene in approximately 11% of tumors. Additionally, the androgen-driven TMPRSS2-ERG fusion was associated with a previously unrecognized, prostate-specific deletion at chromosome 3p14 that implicates FOXP1, RYBP, and SHQ1 as potential cooperative tumor suppressors. DNA copy-number data from primary tumors revealed that copy-number alterations robustly define clusters of low- and high-risk disease beyond that achieved by Gleason score.  ",
  "etag": "2",
  "hasClinicalData": true,
  "hasExpressionData": true,
  "hasGeneticData": true,
  "id": "580",
  "layers": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/layer",
  "locations": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/location",
  "name": "MSKCC Prostate Cancer",
  "parentId": "579",
  "releaseDate": 1221350400000,
  "status": "Current",
  "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/580",
  "version": "1.0.0"

Get Annotations for a Dataset

This returns the annotations for a dataset.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:45 GMT
ETag: 2
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "blobAnnotations": {},
  "creationDate": null,
  "dateAnnotations": {
    "last_modified_date": [1236297600000],
    "releaseDate": [1221350400000]
  "doubleAnnotations": {},
  "etag": "2",
  "id": "580",
  "longAnnotations": {
    "Number_of_Samples": [261],
    "number_of_downloads": [32],
    "number_of_followers": [7],
    "pubmed_id": [20579941]
  "stringAnnotations": {
    "Disease": ["Cancer"],
    "Institution": ["Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center"],
    "Internal_Name": ["Prostate cancer-MSKCC"],
    "Posting_Restriction": ["unspecified"],
    "QC_statistician": ["Solly Sieberts"],
    "Species": ["Human"],
    "Tissue_Tumor": ["Prostate"],
    "Type": ["GCD"],
    "citation": ["Integrative genomic profiling of human prostate cancer. Taylor BS et al., Cancer Cell. 2010 Jul 13;18(1):11-22.  "],
    "curator": ["Matt Furia"],
    "status": ["Current"],
    "version": ["1.0.0"]
  "uri": "/repo/v1/dataset/580/annotations"

Get all the Layers for a Dataset

This returns the primary fields for all the layers of a dataset.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:45 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "paging": {},
  "results": [
      "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/layer/710/acl",
      "annotations": "/repo/v1/layer/710/annotations",
      "creationDate": 1307665065353,
      "description": null,
      "etag": "1",
      "id": "710",
      "locations": "/repo/v1/layer/710/location",
      "name": "Curated phenotypes",
      "numSamples": 261,
      "parentId": "580",
      "platform": "NA",
      "previews": "/repo/v1/layer/710/preview",
      "processingFacility": null,
      "publicationDate": null,
      "qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "qcDate": null,
      "releaseNotes": null,
      "status": "curated",
      "tissueType": null,
      "type": "C",
      "uri": "/repo/v1/layer/710",
      "version": "1.0.0"
      "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/layer/713/acl",
      "annotations": "/repo/v1/layer/713/annotations",
      "creationDate": 1307665066311,
      "description": null,
      "etag": "1",
      "id": "713",
      "locations": "/repo/v1/layer/713/location",
      "name": "sequencing",
      "numSamples": 50,
      "parentId": "580",
      "platform": "iPLEX Sequenom ",
      "previews": "/repo/v1/layer/713/preview",
      "processingFacility": null,
      "publicationDate": null,
      "qcBy": "Solly Sieberts",
      "qcDate": null,
      "releaseNotes": null,
      "status": "curated",
      "tissueType": null,
      "type": "G",
      "uri": "/repo/v1/layer/713",
      "version": "1.0.0"
      "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/layer/716/acl",
      "annotations": "/repo/v1/layer/716/annotations",
      "creationDate": 1307665067243,
      "description": null,
      "etag": "1",
      "id": "716",
      "locations": "/repo/v1/layer/716/location",
      "name": "CNV",
      "numSamples": 230,
      "parentId": "580",
      "platform": "Agilent 244K array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) microarrays",
      "previews": "/repo/v1/layer/716/preview",
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      "publicationDate": null,
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Get a Clinical Dataset Layer

This returns the metadata for a dataset layer.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


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Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:45 GMT
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Get Annotations for a Clinical Dataset Layer

This returns the annotations for a dataset layer.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:45 GMT
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Get preview data for a Clinical Dataset Layer

This returns the preview data for a dataset layer.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Get preview data as a map for a Clinical Dataset Layer

This returns the preview data for a dataset layer.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


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        "number_nodes_removed": "1",
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        "pathologic_primary_gleason": "3",
        "pathologic_secondary_gleason": "3",
        "pathologic_tnm_stage_t": "T2C",
        "phenotype_id": "PCA0019",
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        "clinical_primary_gleason": "4",
        "clinical_secondary_gleason": "3",
        "clinical_tnm_stage_t": "T1C",
        "copy_number_cluster": "4",
        "ethnicity": "Black Non Hispanic",
        "event": "DEATH FROM OTHER CANCER",
        "expression_array_tissue_source\r": "NA\r",
        "extra_capsular_extension": "NONE",
        "hormtx": "PostHORM",
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        "nomogram_nomopred_ocd": "77.240045",
        "nomogram_nomopred_seminal_vesicle_invasion": "99",
        "nomogram_pfp_postrp": "79.85546",
        "number_nodes_positive": "0",
        "number_nodes_removed": "2",
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        "pathologic_primary_gleason": "4",
        "pathologic_secondary_gleason": "5",
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        "phenotype_id": "PCA0023",
        "pre_treatment_psa": "3.88",
        "predxbxpsa": "4.3",
        "radtxtype": "NA",
        "rp_type": "RP",
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        "seminal_vesicle_invasion": "Negative",
        "sms": "Positive",
        "survtime": "72.84",
        "tnm_stage_n": "Normal_N0"
    "uri": "/repo/v1/preview/712"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 1

Get the locations for a Clinical Dataset Layer

This returns all the locations metadata for a dataset layer.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:46 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 512
Connection: keep-alive

  "paging": {},
  "results": [{
    "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/location/711/acl",
    "annotations": "/repo/v1/location/711/annotations",
    "creationDate": 1307665065614,
    "etag": "1",
    "id": "711",
    "md5sum": "b513a23fc54b7b0d65312e1a900af5a6",
    "name": "default",
    "parentId": "710",
    "path": "",
    "type": "awss3",
    "uri": "/repo/v1/location/711"
  "totalNumberOfResults": 1

Get the awss3 for a Clinical Dataset Layer

This returns the location data for a dataset layer.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:46 GMT
ETag: 1
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

  "accessControlList": "/repo/v1/location/711/acl",
  "annotations": "/repo/v1/location/711/annotations",
  "creationDate": 1307665065614,
  "etag": "1",
  "id": "711",
  "md5sum": "b513a23fc54b7b0d65312e1a900af5a6",
  "name": "default",
  "parentId": "710",
  "path": "",
  "type": "awss3",
  "uri": "/repo/v1/location/711"

An example to fetch the file using curl:

curl -o local/path/to/ ''

An example to conditionally fetch the file using curl:

curl -i -H If-None-Match:b513a23fc54b7b0d65312e1a900af5a6 ''

HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
x-amz-id-2: h3qt9NfdRw7utcyVMCZF/dNRto9ZpmKY56w69HNpuMkNsaDv9MgduGY9L3zBQWl
x-amz-request-id: 3AADDC9EF832ADD2
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2011 18:40:15 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 00:42:50 GMT
ETag: "b513a23fc54b7b0d65312e1a900af5a6"
Server: AmazonS3


Query Results Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:54 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 126
Connection: keep-alive

  "properties": {
    "results": {
      "items": {"type": "object"},
      "type": "array"
    "totalNumberOfResults": {"type": "number"}
  "type": "object"

Project Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:54 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 321
Connection: keep-alive

  "properties": {
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    "annotations": {"type": "string"},
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    "description": {"type": "string"},
    "etag": {"type": "string"},
    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "name": {"type": "string"},
    "parentId": {"type": "string"},
    "uri": {"type": "string"}
  "type": "object"

Dataset Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:54 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 577
Connection: keep-alive

  "properties": {
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    "annotations": {"type": "string"},
    "creationDate": {"type": "number"},
    "creator": {"type": "string"},
    "description": {"type": "string"},
    "etag": {"type": "string"},
    "hasClinicalData": {"type": "boolean"},
    "hasExpressionData": {"type": "boolean"},
    "hasGeneticData": {"type": "boolean"},
    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "layers": {"type": "string"},
    "locations": {"type": "string"},
    "name": {"type": "string"},
    "parentId": {"type": "string"},
    "releaseDate": {"type": "number"},
    "status": {"type": "string"},
    "uri": {"type": "string"},
    "version": {"type": "string"}
  "type": "object"

Layer Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:54 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 683
Connection: keep-alive

  "properties": {
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    "etag": {"type": "string"},
    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "locations": {"type": "string"},
    "name": {"type": "string"},
    "numSamples": {"type": "number"},
    "parentId": {"type": "string"},
    "platform": {"type": "string"},
    "previews": {"type": "string"},
    "processingFacility": {"type": "string"},
    "publicationDate": {"type": "number"},
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    "qcDate": {"type": "number"},
    "releaseNotes": {"type": "string"},
    "status": {"type": "string"},
    "tissueType": {"type": "string"},
    "type": {"type": "string"},
    "uri": {"type": "string"},
    "version": {"type": "string"}
  "type": "object"

Layer Preview Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:54 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 455
Connection: keep-alive

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      "items": {"type": "string"},
      "type": "array"
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    "parentId": {"type": "string"},
    "previewBlob": {
      "items": {"type": "string"},
      "type": "array"
    "previewString": {"type": "string"},
    "rows": {
      "items": {"type": "object"},
      "type": "array"
    "uri": {"type": "string"}
  "type": "object"

Dataset or Layer Locations Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:54 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

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    "annotations": {"type": "string"},
    "creationDate": {"type": "number"},
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    "name": {"type": "string"},
    "parentId": {"type": "string"},
    "path": {"type": "string"},
    "type": {"type": "string"},
    "uri": {"type": "string"}
  "type": "object"

Annotations Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:48:20 GMT

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    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "longAnnotations": {"type": "object"},
    "stringAnnotations": {"type": "object"},
    "uri": {"type": "string"}
  "type": "object"

Access Control List Schema

The JsonSchema is an emerging standard similar to DTDs for XML.


curl -i  -H sessionToken:YourSessionToken -H Accept:application/json ''


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:43:54 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
transfer-encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

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    "etag": {"type": "string"},
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    "modifiedOn": {"type": "number"},
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      "items": {
        "properties": {
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            "items": {"type": "string"},
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    "uri": {"type": "string"}
  "type": "object"