


Challenge Creation

I have some new data. I want to start to a challenge. This is my question. Help me.

Infrastructure installation and management

Challenge Management

Challenge Completion

Completing and publishing the challenge results after the completion of the challenge.

After a challenge is complete and the winners have been established the challenge initiator or challenge project manager click the “Archive Challenge“ button. A popup form prompts the user to fill out a few details including the synapse_id of the winning team(s), the synapse_id of the winning team(s) project wiki write up, and the submission_id of the winning submission or a link to the winning code github link. After clicking confirm, a prompt asks the user if they are sure they want to archive the challenge. Upon confirmation, the platform closes all queues, updates the status of the challenge to complete, creates a final results page where the leaderboard, the winning team, the winning team’s method write up, and the winning submission (link to docker container with instructions for downloading, link to github repo with winning model, etc.) are displayed along with relevant visualizations of the overall performance of the challenge results (aggregated AUROC curves, calibrations curves, etc.). A table of links to other teams' write ups is also published that includes the team names and their scores. The results web page is editable by all challenge organizers and can be edited at any time. After the flagship manuscript of the challenge is published, the doi to the paper is also added under a “Challenge publications“ section.

Challenge Participation