
The original download list feature was designed solely for the Synapse web client users. The assumption was that the web client user would only want to download 100 files or less as a packaged zip file. The original feature API design document can be found here: Bulk File/Table Download via Web Client REST API.

The original feature has a few drawbacks that limit its usefulness:

With the new download list, we want to overcome these limitations, but we also want provide a more consistent experience for all of our users regardless of the client used.

The Figma design for this project can be found at: Data List Download II.

Note: The statistics on the current download list feature suggests that it is fairly popular with our users. See: Statistics on current download list feature. While it should be safe to add new features, we should probably avoid removing any of the existing features.


It can be useful to divide the download process into at least two stages:

File Selection

The first stage in the file download process is file selection. In this stage, the data consumer uses faceted navigation of one or more Synapse Files Views, to find the files they are interested in downloading. Users can also add files from a folder, or individual files via the file explorer. Once a user finds one or more files they wish to download, they can add them to their download list, and then continue looking for more files. Note: The user is free to add files that they cannot yet download to their list.

We currently have no plans to add any new API features or changes to the file selection stage.

Download List Management

The goal of this stage is to download and clear the files from the user’s download list. There can be two distinct categories of files on the user’s download list:

While the user is free to remove files from their list or even clear their entire list, their main goal is to download the files on their list. Once a file is successfully downloaded, it should automatically be removed from the download list.

If there are only a few files available for download on the user’s list, then downloading each file individually through the UI will be an option. If there are less than 2 GB of total data, then the user will have the option of initializing the creation of a “package” zip files from the UI. However, for cases where there are many files on their list, we want to guide the user to use one of the programmatic clients to perform the actual download. The number of files that can be managed by a programmatic client is only bound by available disk space.

Proposed API

Deprecate Existing APIs

With the previous download list limit of 100 files, all items of a user’s download list would fit in client side memory.  This allowed us to create a super simple API. Most of the API calls returned the full download list.  Since the amount of data on the list was small, the UI was able to handle most of the complexity. For example, the UI would group files on the list into categories such as files available for download, files with access restrictions and files that are external.

In order to remove the limit, all calls that examine or manipulate the download list must be paginated. All grouping, sorting, and statistics must now be provided by the API. Workers that add files to the download list from view queries, must be converted to stream over the potentially unbounded results.

Therefore, we are proposing to completely deprecate, and eventually remove, all of the existing download list API calls. The existing API calls, are the last nine methods on: File Services.

Download List Management

The driving use case from the design involves allowing users to add files from a file view. This includes adding individual files, or all files based on the current filters applied to the view.







POST /user/<user_id>/download/list/add/async/start


Start an asynchronous job to add files from the given View query or folder the user’s download list. In all cases the current version of the file entity will be explicitly added to the user’s download list. When adding files from a folder, only the direct children of the folder will be added. It should be possible to add a ‘recursive’ option in the future.


GET /user/<user_id>/download/list/add/async/get/<job_id>


Get the results of a job to add query results to the user’s download list.

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-AddResultsToDownloadListRequest",
	"description": "Start an asynchronous job to add files from the given View query or folder the user’s download list,",
	"allOf": [
			"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousRequestBody"
	"properties": {
		"query": {
			"description": "Results from this view query will be added to the user's download list.  This parameter should be excluded when adding files from a folder.",
			"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.table.Query"
		"folderId": {
			"description": "The synID of a folder to add all of the children from the folder to the user's download list.  This parameter should be excluded when adding files from a query.",
			"type": "string"
		"useVersionNumber": {
			"description": "When true (default), the version number will be included for each file added to the user's download list.  When set to false, the version number will be excluded, indicating that the 'current' version should always be downloaded.",
			"type": "boolean"

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-AddQueryResultsToDownloadListResponse",
	"description": "The results of a job to add the files from a query result or folder to the user's download list.",
	"allOf": [
			"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousResponseBody"
	"properties": {
		"numberOfFilesAdded": {
			"description": "The number of files that were added to the user's download list.",
			"type": "string"
		"totalNumberOfFliesOnDownloadList": {
			"description": "The total number of files on the user's download list.",
			"type": "string"






POST /user/<user_id>/download/list/add


A request to add a batch of files to the user’s download list. There is a limit of 1000 files per batch.

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-IdAndVersion",
	"description": "",
	"properties": {
		"fileEntityId": {
			"description": "The 'syn' identifier of a Synapse FileEntity.",
			"type": "string"
		"versionNumber": {
			"description": "Optional. When include, indicates a specific version number of a FileEntity.  When excluded, this is a reference to the current version of the FileEntity.",
			"type": "integer"

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-AddBatchOfFilesToDownloadListRequest",
	"description": "Request to add a single batch of files to a user's download list.",
	"properties": {
		"batchToAdd": {
			"description": "The batch of files to add to the user's download list. Note: There is a limit of 1000 files per batch.",
			"type": "array",
			"items": {
				"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks-IdAndVersion"

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-AddBatchOfFilesToDownloadListResponse",
	"description": "Response to add a single batch of files to a user's download list.",
	"properties": {
		"numberOfFilesAdded": {
			"description": "The number of files that were added.",
			"type": "integer"






POST /user/<user_id>/download/list/remove


A request to remove a batch of files from the user’s download list. The client is expected to remove files from the download list after download using this call.

There is a limit of 1000 files per batch.

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-RemoveBatchOfFilesFromDownloadListRequest",
	"description": "Request to remove a single batch of files to the user's download list.",
	"properties": {
		"batchToRemove": {
			"description": "The batch of files to remove from the user's download list. Note: There is a limit of 1000 files per batch.",
			"type": "array",
			"items": {
				"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks-IdAndVersion"

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-RemoveBatchOfFilesFromDownloadListResponse",
	"description": "Response to remove a single batch of files from the user's download list.",
	"properties": {
		"numberOfFilesRemoved": {
			"description": "The number of files that were removed.",
			"type": "integer"





DELETE /user/<user_id>/download/list

Clear all files from a user’s download list.


GET /user/<user_id>/download/list/statistics

Get the statistics about the the files on the user’s download list

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-DownloadListStatistics",
	"description": "Provides statistics about the files currently on the user's download list.",
	"properties": {
		"totalNumberOfFiles": {
			"description": "The total number of files on the user's download list.",
			"type": "integer"
		"numberOfFilesAvailableForDownload": {
			"description": "The number of files that are currently available for download.  A files might be unavailable for download if it has an un-met access restriction or is external",
			"type": "integer"
		"numberOfFilesRequiringAction": {
			"description": "The number of files that are currently unavailable for download.  These are files that require some action on the user's part in order to download.",
			"type": "integer"
		"sumOfFileSizesAvailableForDownload": {
			"description": "The sum of all of the files sizes on the user's download list that are currently available for download.",
			"type": "integer"






GET /user/<user_id>/download/list


Get a single page of files on the user’s download list. Note: This call will only return files that the users can download. There is a limit of 1000 files per page.

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-DownloadListPageRequest",
	"description": "Request to get a single page of files from the user's download list for files that are currently available for download.",
	"properties": {
		"nextPageToken": {
			"description": "Forward the resulting nextPageToken from a previous request to get the next page of results",
			"type": "integer"
		"sortByColumn": {
			"description": "Identifies the column to be used to sort the results.",
			"enum": [
		"sortByDirection": {
			"description": "Identifies the direction of the sort.",
			"enum": [
		"nameContains": {
			"description": "Optional: Case insensitive part of the name to filter by name.",
			"type": "string"

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-DownloadListItem",
	"description": "Represents a single file from the user's download list.",
	"properties": {
		"fileEntityId": {
			"description": "The 'syn' identifier of the file entity.",
			"type": "string"
		"versionNumber": {
			"description": "When included, indicates that a specific version of a files was added to the user's download list.  when excluded, the current version was added.",
			"type": "integer"
		"addedOn": {
			"description": "The date-time when this file was added to the user's download list.",

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-DownloadListPageResponse",
	"description": "Represents a single page of files that are available for download from the user's download list.",
	"properties": {
		"page": {
			"description": "The page of download list items",
			"type": "array",
				"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks-DownloadListItem"
		"nextPageToken": {
			"description": "When provided, the nextPageToken indicates that there are more results.  Forward this token to the next request to get the next page.",
			"type": "string"






POST /user/<user_id>/download/list/action/required


Get a single page of results that summarizes actions that the user must take to download inaccessible files from their download list.

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-GetActionRequiredRequest",
	"description": "Get a single page of results that summarizes actions that the user must take to download inaccessible files from their download list.",
	"properties": {
		"nextPageToken": {
			"description": "Forward the resulting nextPageToken from a previous request to get the next page of results",
			"type": "integer"

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-UnmetAccessRestrictionItem",
	"description": "Represents a single un-met access restriction that requires the user's action in order to download one or more files from their download list.",
	"properties": {
		"accessRestrictionId": {
			"description": "The identifier of an un-met access restriction.",
			"type": "string"
		"numberOfFilesBlocked": {
			"description": "The number of files that are currently block from download due to this un-met access restriction.",
			"type": "integer"

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-GetActionRequiredResponse",
	"description": "Represents a single page of un-met access restrictions that require the user's action in order to download one or more files from their download list.",
	"properties": {
		"page": {
			"description": "A single page of items",
			"type": "array",
				"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks-UnmetAccessRestrictionItem"
		"nextPageToken": {
			"description": "When provided, the nextPageToken indicates that there are more results.  Forward this token to the next request to get the next page.",
			"type": "integer"






POST /user/<user_id>/download/list/manifest/async/start


Start an asynchronous job to add to generate a metadata file manifest of all of the files on the use’s download list. The manifest will be a sparse matrix CSV including all annotations and general files metadata.


GET /user/<user_id>/download/list/manifest/async/get/<job_id>


Get the results of a job to generate a manifest files for the files on the user’s download list.

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-GetDownloadListMainifestRequest",
	"description": "Start an asynchronous job to add to generate a metadata file manifest of all of the files on the use’s download list.",
	"allOf": [
			"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousRequestBody"
	"properties": {
	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-GetDownloadListMainifestResposne",
	"description": "The results of a job to get a metadata files manifest of the files on the user's download list.",
	"allOf": [
			"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousResponseBody"
	"properties": {
		"resultFileHandleId": {
			"description": "The identifier of a FileHandle that contains the resulting files manifest.",
			"type": "string"






POST /user/<user_id>/download/list/package/async/start


Start an asynchronous job to add all files from the user’s download list to a packaged zip file. There is a two GB limit on the total size of the resulting zip file. This job will attempt to create the largest possible zip files while remaining under the limit. Files that are packaged will automatically be removed from the user’s download list. It might take multiple jobs to package all of the files on the user’s download list.


GET /user/<user_id>/download/list/package/async/get/<job_id>


Get the results of a job to generate a package of file from a user’s download list.

	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-GetDownloadListPackageRequest",
	"description": "...",
	"allOf": [
			"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousRequestBody"
	"properties": {
		"zipFileName": {
			"description": "Optional parameter to set the name of the resulting zip file.",
			"type": "string"
		"includeManifest": {
			"description": "When set to true, a metadata manifest files will be include in the package.  The manifest will include all metadata for each file in the package.",
			"type": "boolean"
	"$schema": "",
	"$id": "org.sagebionetworks-GetDownloadListPackageResponse",
	"description": "...",
	"allOf": [
			"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousResponseBody"
	"properties": {
		"resultFileHandleId": {
			"description": "The identifier of a FileHandle that contains the resulting package zip file.",
			"type": "string"