


Added this tracking table



Use cases: Annual Renewal



When the ACT establishes an Access Requirement (AR) for a dataset users might request access to the dataset, submit the requests and gain access after ACT approval. An AR might also impose an expiration date for the approval, usually set to 1 year.

Once the submission request is approved a set of access approvals are created in the system for each user that are part of the original request storing along the expiration of the approval.

Today the system doesn’t process automatically the expiration for approvals nor sends out automatic reminders for near to expire approvals. Instead members of the governance team manually review the approvals at fixed intervals and process the list sending out emails to the submitters (or accessors when access is revoked) of the requests (The current flow can be found here: Access renewal flow) maintaining a spreadsheet with the processed users (See Access Renewals List). A document detailing the manual process and the emails that are sent out can be found here: Access Renewal Process.

The whole process is time consuming, prone to errors and can be automated, the purpose of this design is to introduce the support to send automatic renewal notifications as well as to handle automatically the revocation and associated notifications.

The focus of this design will be on AR of type ManagedACTAccessRequirement with accessType DOWNLOAD and that therefore apply to a set of RestrictableObjectDescriptor of type ENTITY (e.g. in other words access to datasets). Note that the wording dataset includes a set of entities and it is not a defined object in the system but rather a convention used to manage the AR.


From the document about Annual Renewal there are a set of requirements that the system should implements.

Proposed Design

While most of the requirements can be fulfilled already without any major change, there are some considerations both in the API and in the backend implementations:

API Changes:







The id of the AR



The id of the submitter



The id of the user where the notification was sent to






The status of the notification: SCHEDULED, SENT

Note that the AccessorGroup is an object computed from a grouping by AR and Submitter, the notifications will be computed and included accordingly.

Backend Changes

Access requirements


In order to support sending renewal and revocation notifications we need to store the ones that are already processed so that we can avoid sending them multiple times. Additionally renewal and revocation notifications have been sent out manually already so we should avoid reprocessing them and give us a chance to backfill the AR with the dataset names.

In order to reach this goal the proposal involves to actually schedule the renewal notifications when a Submission is APPROVED. This allows us:

The drawback is that the notifications needs to be managed, e.g. when a submission is renewed the previous scheduled notification needs to be updated.

A new support table needs to be introduced that allows us to store the state of the notifications that mirrors the object model above:

DATA_ACCESS_NOTIFICATIONS (omits std fields, id etag, created_on etc)




The id of the AR


The id of the submitter


The status of the notification: SCHEDULED/SENT




The time when the notification should be sent


The id of the user that is the target of the notification (this is the same as the submitter for renewals, while the accessor id for revocations)

With this table in place we can introduce a worker that process the scheduled renewals notifications. Note that we cannot reuse the change message machinery since there is no object type that actually changes (and for an AccessorGroup a notification applies to a dynamic group that is defined by the submitter/ar tuple).

Also note that we store the submitter id rather than the submission id, this is due to the disconnect between access approvals and submissions (See open question below).

Note: We might want to consider using a generic “scheduling” service for messages to users (e.g. MessageManager.scheduleMessage()) adding a layer of abstraction, maybe having a message_type plus some sort of unique identifier (note that in this case the identifier might include the AR id + submitter id) with a set of message factories for the given types.


To automatically revoke the approvals a new worker will need to periodically check the APPROVED approvals that have expired and change their status and potentially schedule/send the revocation notification. Note that changing the approval status might not actually revoke access for the accessor (e.g. if other not expired approvals are present for the user) so the worker will have to implement logic to check the actual accessor approval state.

Note that the same process applies when a revocation is “added” through a submission renewal.


We can reuse the current machinery for sending messages to users, when the workers process the notifications they will build the message from a template according to the AR configuration save it to a file handle and create a message to be sent.

Note that the notification might actually go out from a real synapse user account, we can create a dedicated synapse account for data access renewals instead of the noreply notification, in this way the sender can receive eventual bounces and or processing errors and the recipient might reply to the notification as well.

Since the messages need to be delivered despite the user notification settings we need a way to override this behavior, for example adding a new column in the MESSAGE_TO_USER table:




A flag that defines if the message should be sent despite the notification setting of the recipient.

To build the email body itself we will reuse the current velocity templating engine and the content will be built according to the configuration of the AR with an end result that should resemble the canned language used in this document: Renewal Process and Canned Language.

The dataset name and the renewal url in the AR will be used to build the final email. Note however that the name is optional, so we need to come up with some heuristic to generate some sort of header. My proposal is to simply list the entities the AR refers to with a link to them.

TODO: Get the final text for the templates

Open Questions