What is a card?
A card is a UI component that contains content and actions about a single subject. In this case, it represents a single row from a Synapse Table or View.
Here are a few examples:
Each UI field must be mapped to a column in the Synapse Table/View.
*type: Indicates the object type, for example “Project”. Icons are automatically mapped for some types.
*title : Column name to use for the title.
link: Column name that contains an URL to make the title a link.
subTitle: Column name to use for the sub-title.
description: Column name to use for the description.
icon: Column name that contains the name of the icon to use in this card.
imageFileHandleColumnName: Column name that contains the FileHandleID to use for the image in the card.
secondaryLabels: Instruct the card on how to render the secondary labels. Columns may contain markdown, or perhaps their value should be used to create a link to a details page.
dataTypeIconNames: Column name that contains the list of data types to show as additional icons.
iconOptions: For all cards in a list, use a custom icon mapping.
backgroundColor: Background color of the card.
isHeader: Indicate if the card should be rendered as a Header.
How are cards used?
What are the components within a card (e.g. Data type icons, custom image, CTA button link, etc) and how would someone set these up in Synapse?