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Deployed Stacks
We now have the following CNAMEs for Synapse in the sagebase.org domain:
- synapse.sagebase.org – for the demo version of the web app (Sprint 3) -> synapse-sagebase-org.elasticbeanstalk.com
- repositoryservice.sagebase.org – for the demo version of the repo' svcs (Sprint 3) -> repositoryservicea.elasticbeanstalk.com
- synapse-alpha.sagebase.org – for the web app (Sprint 4) -> prod-synapseweb.elasticbeanstalk.com
- reposvc-alpha.sagebase.org – for the repo svcs (Sprint 4) -> prod-reposervice.elasticbeanstalk.com
- auth-alpha.sagebase.org – for the auth svcs (Sprint 4) -> prod-auth.elasticbeanstalk.com
We have two Crowd instances, one for production and one for development/testing:
- crowd-dev.sagebase.org – for the dev/test Crowd instance, the default for our code base (-> elastic IP
- crowd.sagebase.org – for the production Crowd instance, specified in Synpase via a system property, as documented on Synapse Stack Deployment (-> elastic IP
Current Beanstalk Resources LAST UPDATED: 20Jun2011
Beanstalk Name |
Beanstalk URL |
war file version |
Crowd Instance |
Database |
Service group |
synapse-alpha.sagebase.org |
Prod-SynapseWeb |
prod-synapseweb.elasticbeanstalk.com |
SynapseWebAlpha_0.4_16June_svn3014 |
prod |
reposvc-alpha.sagebase.org |
Prod-RepoService |
prod-reposervice.elasticbeanstalk.com |
SynapseRepoService_0.4_14June2011 |
prod |
auth-alpha.sagebase.org |
Prod-Auth |
prod-auth.elasticbeanstalk.com |
Prod-AuthVersion |
prod |
n/a |
Staging-Auth |
staging |
n/a |
Staging-SynapseWeb |
staging |
n/a |
Staging-RepoService |
staging |
Synapse Deployment Instructions
Get the built artifacts from Artifactory
You should not be deploying anything you built yourself on your local machine. Only deploy builds generated by Bamboo and stored in Artifactory.
Create Beanstalk Environments (Skip this section if using existing Environments.)
log in to AWS
as platform@sagebase.org (get the password frome someone in the Platform department).
Click "Launch New Environment"
set environment name, e.g. "Prod-Auth"
choose or upload an "application version" (which is a WAR file)
Default AMI (32 bit Linux server running Tomcat v 7)
Instance type: t1.micro
Key Pair: PlatformKeyPairEast
email: platform@sagebase.org
Create two more, so that there is one for Auth services, one for Repo services, and one for SynapseWeb
Create Host Name
Sign in to GoDaddy, select sagebase.org, and launch Domain Manager.
Create synapse-prod (.sagebase.org) and point it to prod-synapseweb.elasticbeanstalk.com
Ditto for auth-prod and reposvc-prod
Create MySQL database
If necessary, create a new schema in the AWS RDS, e.g. using MySQL Workbench.
The schema name, for example, might be 'prodRepositoryDb'
Configure Environments
The configuration of all environments for all Synapse components should be the same, with the exception that we leave port 80 on the web app load balancer open and closed everywhere else.
Configure Load Balancer
Click on 'edit configuration' in the Beanstalk UI.
Click on 'Load Balancer' tab
For 'HTTP Listener port' choose 'OFF' for the repo and auth services, choose '80' for the portal.
For 'HTTPS Listener port' choose '443'.
For 'SSL Cert' choose arn:aws:iam::325565585839:server-certificate/SynapseCert
Configure Notifications
Click on 'Notifications' tab
Set Email Address to 'platform@sagebase.org'
Configure Container
Click on 'container.' In the JVM Command Line Options
For a production deployment:
For a non-production deployment:
-DACCEPT_ALL_CERTS=true -Dorg.sagebionetworks.stack=staging
For all deployments:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = <<aws access key id>>
AWS_SECRET_KEY = <<aws secret key>>
PARAM1 = <<url to .properties file in S3>>
PARAM2 = <<encryption key>>
This is the minimum information needed to bootstrap our system with the information needed to load a configuration via a .properties file. Here, the actual .properties file mu
where <<encryption key>> is found on our unix system in
Set up Crowd
If necessary, the instructions are here:
Restarting Crowd
If the server goes down:
To check if Crowd is up, in web browser go to
You should see Crowd log-in page. If not then ssh in to crowd.sagebase.org as ec2-user, using the standard key for 'platform' owned ec2 instances, PlatformKeyPairEast
At the unix prompt:
ps -a
Should show one java process, if not
cd /usr/local/atlassian-crowd-2.2.7/
Now verify that the log-in page appears in your web browser.
The above instructions apply to 'crowd-dev.sagebase.org' as well as 'crowd.sagebase.org'.
How to run the Data Loader
On one of the local servers, goto /work/platform/DatasetMetadataLoader and execute the following:
# Make sure you have the latest version svn up # Execute the loader # Replace <repo_instance> and <auth_instance> by the repository and authentication instances. # Either make sure that <platform_admin_email> is a Synapse administrator on crowd, or replace it by a Synapse administrator account python datasetCsvLoader.py -d ./AllDatasets.csv -l ./AllDatasetLayerLocations.csv -e http://<repo_instance>/repo/v1 -a http://<auth_instance>/auth/v1 -m /work/platform/DatasetMetadataLoader/platform.md5sums.csv -u <platform_admin_email> -p <platform_admin_pw>
Verify Deployment
To verify deployment, run top-level queries against the repository instances from an authenticated account.
TODO: Add queries and expected counts returned.