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External User

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There are several places in Synapse where a user needs to reference a collaborator who they find are not yet in Synapse.

UI Mockup:


create an external user token (EUT) (+ various meta data, e.g. first, last, email)

    table columns: ID, token, first, last, email, principalId (initially null)

    prior to its acceptance (when principalId is null), the EUT can be rescinded

    should be able to update with new token (but keeping the same EU ID)

    should sending the EUT to the person be a server-side or client-side function?


service to create a team invitation linked to an EU + services for all CRUD on such an object

    shall we generalize the existing invitation or create a new object?


service to update an EU record, associating a principal Id

    anyone having the EUT can link the EU record to their account

    at this point the EUT can't be rescinded by the creator


the client is responsible for the sequence:

    1) create or select an account

    2) link the EUT to the account

    3) retrieve the associated team invitation(s) and accept them (or present them for acceptance)


following link must log out any user


URIRequest MethodRequest Param'sRequest BodyResponse BodyDescriptionAuthority
/userPrecursorPOST email, fname, lname, invitation messageID, token

Create a user precursor for the given email address.

Sends email to invited user.

400 response if email has been used before.
authenticated users
/userPrecursorGETlimit, offset PaginatedResults of precursor

Returns all precursors created by the user.

(Ordered by creation time stamp?)

Precursor creator.
/userPrecursor/{id}GET----ID, token, principalID (or null), email, fname, lname Precursor creator.
/userPrecursor/{id}DELETE------Delete user precursor.Precursor creator.
/userPrecursor/{id}/access/entityPOST--entity ID, access type?Adds the given access type to the given entity to the given precursor.User must have sharing rights to the entity AND be the precursor creator.
/userPrecursor/{id}/access/entity/{entityId}DELETE------Remove all access to the given entity for the given precursor.User must have sharing rights to the entity AND be the precursor creator.
/membershipInvitationPOST--MembershipInvtnSubmissionMembershipInvtnSubmissionCreate a membership invitation for a precursor.User must be Team admin AND be the precursor creator.





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