This document describes the requirements for the MyCogMobile (MCM) study. This study is expected to launch in mid-July.
MCM is iOS only
ETL/parquet/scoring not required
A desired study schedule for QA study(ies) will be provided by NU. Sage will construct QA studies
NU will construct studies that will be used for live participants
Acceptance criteria:
One .json file will be produced for the one MCM assessment. The .json file will contain the aggregated MyCogMobileTaskResult
Schema implementation description from Northwestern:
MyCogMobile task result data is expected to validate against the shared schema.
MyCogMobile does not include a “self referencing” schema, but should be validated using the mechanism outlined at .
The approach that Northwestern took:
create a MyCogMobileSubTaskStep which conforms to RSDSubtaskStep and could represent a “submeasure” such as the MyCogMobile specific Memory For Sequences. That enabled us to include entries in our MyCogMobile step description JSON which delegated to other step description JSON files like this:
"identifier": "MyCogMobileMFS",
"type": "subTaskStep"
When the measure encounters something like this, then it essentially loads the MyCogMobileMFS measure. However, at the end of MyCogMobile all of the data across the “submeasures” is aggregated into a single MyCogMobileTaskResult which will validate against the shared schema.
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