What went well
We got work done. +2
Meetings seem to have a lot of progress and team is working out issues collaboratively.
Getting definitions around June v October to allow team to understand bigger picture.
Xa has been awesome getting the bin tray transition resolved quickly
Jack’s onboarding went well
What could go better
Still not getting everything planned pre sprint so putting out fires. +2
Alx getting asked to handle Synapse problems which is causing an issue with dev flow.
Onboarding documents were a little out of date, but will be updated.
Action Items:
Ann to work with Ryan and Kevin regarding Synapse escalations
What went well:
Jack started
What could go better:
Lynn leaving is making requirements gathering difficult. We are continuing to struggle with getting decision makers and proactive planning/documentation
Action Items:
Create project intake process (Ann) (still pending)
4/5/21 - Sprint Planning:
Demo (completed 3/29 across team)
Retro Notes:
What went well
Demo presentations on MTB meeting and received very positive feedback
We interviewed a candidate and are looking forward to adding to our team.
What could go better
We need to get better about getting things deployed quickly they have been sitting for weeks and weeks.
Estimating and Story pointing.
Getting Specs and Jira updated (Need to get better stories and documentation together that show upcoming work
Teams are asking for results but we are not getting enough upfront information or there is an expectation that a hallway convo becomes a requirement on the roadmap. We need to define, document and publish a roadmap and let people know where to look for it.
Proposed intake process around all projects on bridge team and get clear requirements etc
Need to do a better job with communicating expectations from stakeholders and to them as well.
Action Items:
Create project intake process (Ann)
need clear requests, understand design implications etc.