Since we are changing the UploadDestionation object, GET /entity/{id}/uploadDestination/{storageLocationId} service will also return the new project limit information.
Model Objects
Code Block |
"title": "LoginResponse",
"description": "HoldsInformation aabout sessionthe tokencurrent usedSynapse forTerms short-termof authentication with SynapseService (ToS).",
"properties": {
"sessionTokentermsOfServiceUrl": {
"type": "string",
"description": "(deprecated)The AURL tokenthat thatcan identifiesbe theused user"
"accessToken": {
"type": "string",
"description": "A token that authorizes subsequent requeststo fetch the latest ToS using an HTTPS GET."
"acceptsTermsOfUselatestTermsOfServiceVersion": {
"type": "booleanstring",
"description": "When false,The semantic version of the userlatest hasToS not agreedin to the currently required version of the ToSprovided URL. This userCallers will need to agreeprovide thethis theversion latestwhen ToSsubmitting bya therequest requirementto date.agree to True, if the user has agreedshown ToS."
"lastAgreementDatecurrentRequirement": {
"type$ref": "string",
"format": "date-time"org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.auth.TermsOfServiceRequirement",
"description": "The date/time whenInformation about the userglobal lastToS agreedSynapse torequirements thethat ToS.all Willusers bemust nullagree if the user has never agreed to the ToS."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "Information about the global ToS Synapse requirements that all users must agree to.",
"properties": {
"typerequirementDate": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"description": "The version of ToS thatdate/time when the usernew lastToS agreedrequirement to.will go Willinto be null if the user has never agreed to the ToS."
"minimumTermsOfServiceVersion": {
"type": "string",
"description": "AThe minimum validsemantic receiptversion allowsof the user ToS that all users must agree to skipby extrathe securityprovided checksdate."
Any user that has agreed to this version, or higher, will be required to agree to the latest version of the ToS after the provided date."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "InformationThe aboutstatus theof currenta Synapseuser's Terms of Service (ToS).ToS agreement",
"properties": {
"termsOfServiceUrluserId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The URL that can be used to fetch the latest ToS using an HTTPS GETID of the user."
"latestTermsOfServiceVersionusersCurrentTermsOfServiceState": {
"type$ref": "string"org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.auth.TermsOfServiceState",
"description": "TheDefines semanticthe version of the latestuser's current ToS in the provided URLstate. Used Callersto willguide needthe toUI providein thiswhat versionthe whenuser submitting aneeds request to agreedo towith shown ToS."
"currentRequirement": {
"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.auth.TermsOfServiceRequirement",
"description": "Information about the global ToS Synapse requirements that all users must agree to."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "Information about the global ToS Synapse requirements that all users must agree to.",
"properties": {
"requirementDatetheir ToS agreements. This will always be provided."
"lastAgreementDate": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"description": "The date/time when the new ToS requirement will go into effect user last agreed to the ToS. Will be null if the user has never agreed to the ToS."
"minimumTermsOfServiceVersionlastAgreementVersion": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The minimum semantic version of the ToS that all users must agree to by the provided date. Any user that haslast agreed to. this version, or higher, will Will be required to agree tonull if the latestuser versionhas of thenever ToSagreed afterto the provided dateToS."
} |
Code Block |
"type": "string",
"description": "The status of a user's ToS agreement user's current ToS state defines what action if any they will need to take to meet ToS requirements.",
"propertiesenum": {[
"userId": {
"typename": "stringMUST_AGREE_NOW",
"description": "The user must IDagree ofto the user."
"lastAgreementDate": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time new ToS before they can use the service."
"name": "MUST_AGREE_SOON",
"description": "The date/timeuser when the user lastcurrently has agreed to an theolder ToS. Will be null if and they will need to agree to the usernew hasToS neverbefore agreed tonew therequired ToSdate."
"lastAgreementVersion": {
"typename": "stringUP_TO_DATE",
"description": "The version of ToS that the user lasthas agreed to. the Willlatest beToS nullso ifthey the user has never agreed to the ToS.are up-to-date"
} |