Code Block |
"description": "Information about a specific session (conversation) with an agent. Each session is immutableOnly the acess level can be changed on an existing session. You will need to start a new session if you wish to use a different access level or agentId.",
"properties": {
"sessionId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The unique identifier for a conversation with an agent. The sessionId issued by Synapse when the session is started. The caller must provided this sessionId with each chat request to identify a specific conversation with an agent. A sessionId can only be used by the user that created it."
"agentAccessLevel": {
"description": "Specifies the access level that the agent will have during this session only.",
"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.agent.AgentAccessLevel"
"startedOn": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"description": "The date this session was started."
"agentIdstartedBy": {
"type": "stringinteger",
"description": "IdentifiesThe thatid agentof thatthe willuser bethat usedstarted for this session."
The default value is null, },
"modifiedOn": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"description": "The date this session was last modified."
"agentRegistrationId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Identifies that agent that will be used for this session. The default value is null, which indicates that the default agent will be used the default agent will be used."
"etag": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Will change whenever the session changes."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "Send a chat message to the Synapse chat agent",
"implements": [
"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousRequestBody"
"properties": {
"sessionId": {
"description": "The sessionId that identifies the conversation with the agent.",
"type": "string"
"chatText": {
"description": "The user's text message to send to the agent.",
"type": "string"
"enableTrace": {
"description": "Optional. When trace is enabled, the agent will include information about its decision process and the functions/tools it will use to process this request. Default value is false.",
"type": "boolean"
} |
Code Block |
"description": "The response to an agent chat request.",
"implements": [
{ it will use to process this request. Default value is false.",
"$reftype": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousResponseBodyboolean"
"properties": {
"sessionId": {
} |
Code Block |
"description": "The sessionIdresponse thatto identifiesan theagent conversation with the agentchat request.",
"typeimplements": "string"[
"responseText$ref": {"org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.asynch.AsynchronousResponseBody"
"descriptionproperties": "The agent's text response to the user's request",
"typesessionId": "string"{
} |
Code Block |
"description": "Request a single page of a session's history. The historysessionId isthat orderedidentifies by the interactionconversation timewith stampthe descendingagent.",
"propertiestype": {"string"
"nextPageToken": {},
"typeresponseText": "string",{
"description": "ForwardThe theagent's returnedtext 'nextPageToken'response to get the next page of results.user's request",
"type": "string"
Code Block |
"description": "A single page of an agent session history": "Request a single page of a session's history. The history is ordered by the interaction time stamp descending.",
"properties": {
"sessionIdnextPageToken": {
"descriptiontype": "The session ID of this conversation's historystring",
"typedescription": "stringForward the returned 'nextPageToken' to get the next page of results."
"page": }
Code Block |
"description": "A single page of aan agent session's history. The history is ordered by the interaction time stamp descending.",
"properties": {
"typesessionId": "array",{
"itemsdescription": { "The session ID of this conversation's history",
"$reftype": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.agent.Interaction"
"nextPageTokenpage": {
"type": "string",
"description": "ForwardA this token to get the next single page of results."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "Represents a single interaction between the user and an agenta session's history. The history is ordered by the interaction time stamp descending.",
"propertiestype": {
"usersRequestTextarray": {,
"typeitems": "string",{
"description$ref": "The text of the user's request"org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.agent.Interaction"
"usersRequestTimestampnextPageToken": {
"type": "string",
"formatdescription": "date-time",Forward this token to get the next page of results."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "TheRepresents a timesingle stampinteraction whenbetween the user and made the request"
},an agent.",
"properties": {
"agentResponseTextusersRequestText": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The text of the agentuser's responserequest"
"agentResponseTimestampusersRequestTimestamp": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"description": "The time stamp when the agent produced the response."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "A request to get a single page of trace events for a specified asynchronous job.",
"properties": {
"jobId": "The time stamp when the user made the request"
"agentResponseText": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The job ID issued whentext of the agent chat request job was started.'s response"
"newerThanTimestampagentResponseTimestamp": {
"type": "integerstring",
"descriptionformat": "When a timestamp value is provided, only trace events that occurred after the provided timestamp will be included in the resultsdate-time",
"description": "The time stamp when the agent produced the response."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "A request to get a single page of an agent trace events for ana specified asynchronous agent chat job. The events are sorted by timestamp ascending.",
"properties": {
"jobId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The job ID issued when the agent chat request job was started."
"page": {
"description": "A single page of trace events.",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.agent.TraceEvent"
} |
Code Block |
newerThanTimestamp": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "RepresentsWhen a singletimestamp value is provided, only trace eventevents that generatedoccurred duringafter anthe agentprovided chattimestamp asynchronouswill job request.",
"properties": {
"timestamp": {
"type": "integer",
be included in the results."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "TheA timesingle stamppage identifiesof when thean agent generated this trace event.events for Itan isasynchronous alsoagent usedchat tojob. uniquely identify this event within the context of this asynchronous job."
"messageThe events are sorted by timestamp ascending.",
"properties": {
"typejobId": "string",{
"descriptiontype": "The trace text message generated by the agent while processing a chat request."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "RequestThe tojob registerID aissued customwhen AWSthe agent with Synapse. Currently, only internal users are authorized to register custom agents chat request job was started."
"page": {
"description": "A single page of trace events.",
"propertiestype": {"array",
"awsAgentIditems": {
"type$ref": "string",org.sagebionetworks.repo.model.agent.TraceEvent"
} |
Code Block |
"description": "TheRepresents a AWSsingle issuedtrace agentevent IDgenerated ofduring thean agent chat toasynchronous bejob registeredrequest.",
},"properties": {
"awsAliasIdtimestamp": {
"type": "stringinteger",
"description": "The AWStime issuedstamp agentidentifies aliaswhen ID of the agent aliasgenerated tothis betrace usedevent. Optional. IfIt an alias is notalso providedused thento 'TSTALIASID'uniquely willidentify bethis used."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "The registrationevent within the context of athis customasynchronous AWS agentjob."
"propertiesmessage": {
"agentRegistrationIdtype": {"string",
"type": "string",
description": "The trace text message generated by the agent while processing a chat request."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "TheRequest uniqueto IDregister issueda bycustom Synapse whenAWS this agent waswith registeredSynapse. Provide thisCurrently, IDonly wheninternal startingusers aare sessionauthorized to useregister the registered agent for a sessioncustom agents.",
},"properties": {
"awsAgentId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The AWS issued agent ID of the agent agent to be registered."
"awsAliasId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The AWS issued agent alias ID of the agent alias to be used. Optional. If an alias IDis was not provided, a default value of then 'TSTALIASID' will be used."
} |
Code Block |
"description": "The registration of a custom AWS agent.",
"properties": {
"typeagentRegistrationId": "string",{
"formattype": "date-timestring",
"description": "The date unique ID issued by Synapse when this agent was registered. Provide this ID when starting a session to use the registered agent for a session."
"registeredByawsAgentId": {
"type": "integerstring",
"description": "The idAWS ofissued theagent userID thatof created thisthe registrationagent."
"nameawsAliasId": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the agent provided by AWS AWS issued agent alias ID. If an alias ID was not provided, a default value of 'TSTALIASID' will be used."
"descriptionregisteredOn": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"description": "The descriptiondate ofthis the agent providedwas by AWSregistered."
} |