Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


From the use cases that listed in this document, we list the summary of the solution below:


String id
String accessRequirementId
String institution
String projectLead
String intendedDataUseStatement
String ownerId
String createdBy
Long createdOn
String modifiedBy
Long modifiedOn


After a ResearchProject is created, only the owner creator can make changes to a ResearchProject. The owner can also change the ownership of a ResearchProject by changing the ownerId value to another userId that has been granted access to the dataset under the same ResearchProject. After taking over the ResearchProject, a user would have the same permissions with the DataAccessRequest's creator.

DataAccessRequest Request implements DataAccessRequestInterfaceRequestInterface
String id
String accessRequirementId
String createdBy
Long createdOn
String researchProjectId
List<String> accessors
String ducFileHandleId
String irbFileHandleId
List<String> attachments
String modifiedBy
Long modifiedOn

Any user can create a DataAccessRequest a Request to a given AccessRequirement. To create a DataAccessRequestRequest, the following fields are required: accessRequirementId, and createdBy. The following fields: id, createdOn, and modifiedOn are set by the system. A user cannot change these values.

Only creator of DataAccessRequest Request can update, and submit the request. To submit a request, it has to meet the requirements specified in the associated AccessRequirement.

Once a request is submitted, a DataAccessSubmission Submission object is created. While there is an DataAccessSubmission Submission with status SUBMITTED, it's associated DataAccessRequest Request no longer available for update & submit. 

DataAccessRenewal Renewal implements DataAccessRequestInterfaceRequestInterface extends DataAccessRequestRequest
String publication
String summaryOfUse

Once a DataAccessSubmission Submission is approved and requestor wants to add/ remove accessors, he/she needs to update the request with a DataAccessRenewalRenewal, given the publication and summaryOfUse in addition to editing the existing information from the original DataAccessRequestRequest

Submitting a DataAccessRenewal Renewal will also result in a DataAccessSubmission Submission being created with status SUBMITTED. 

String id
String dataAccessRequestId
String submittedBy
Long submittedOn
ResearchProject researchProjectSnapshot
List<String> accessors
Boolean isRenewalSubmission
String ducFileHandleId
String irbFileHandleId
List<String> attachments
String publication
String summaryOfUse
String reviewerId
Long reviewedOn
String rejectedReason

Once a DataAccessSubmission Submission is created, it will have state SUBMITTED until a reviewer (ACT member) review and update its status. 


ActionIntended UserURIMethodRequest ParamsRequest BodyResponse Body
1create a ResearchProjectSynapse User/researchProjectPOST
2retrieve a ResearchProjectownercreator/accessRequirement/{id}/researchProjectGET

3update a ResearchProjectownercreator/researchProject/{id}PUT
4transfer ownership of a ResearchProjectownercreator, ACT/researchProject/{id}/updateOwnerPUT

create or update Research ProjectSynapse User/researchProjectPOST

get ResearchProject for updatecreator/accessRequirement/{id}/researchProjectForUpdateGET

5create a DataAccessRequestSynapse User/dataAccessRequestPOST
6retrieve the current DataAccessRequestcreator, ResearchProject's owner/accessRequirement/{id}/dataAccessRequestGET

7asking the server for a suitable request object to start withSynapseUsercreator/accessRequirement/{id}/dataAccessRequestForUpdateGET

8update a DataAccessRequestcreator, ResearchProject's owner/dataAccessRequest/{id}PUT

create or update RequestSynapse User/dataAccessRequestPOST
9submit a DataAccessRequestRequestcreator, ResearchProject's owner/dataAccessSubmission/dataAccessRequest/{id}/submissionPOSTDataAccessRequestInterfaceetag


10retrieve the latest DataAccessSubmission's statusrequestor, ResearchProject's owner, accessors/accessRequirement/{id}/submissionStatusGET

11cancel a DataAccessSubmissionSubmissionrequestor, ResearchProject's owner/dataAccessSubmission/{id}/cancelcancellationPUT


12update a DataAccessSubmissionSubmissionACT/dataAccessSubmission/{id}PUT
13retrieve a list of DataAccessSubmissionSubmissionACT/accessRequirement/{id}/listSubmissionsubmissionsGETnextPageToken, order (SubmissionOrder), filter (by statusSubmissionState),

String submissionId
14retrieve a list of Approval Status for a given list of AccessRequirementSynapseUser/accessApproval/statusPOSTAccessApprovalStatusRequestAccessApprovalStatusResults
String researchProjectId
String newOwnerId
15retrieve restriction info for a given entitySynapse userentity/{id}/restrictionInformationGET


retrieve restriction informationSynapse user/restrictionInformationPOST
16retrieve access requirement statusSynapse user/accessRequirement/{id}/statusGET

17retrieve info about open submissionsACT/dataAccessSubmission/openSubmissionsGETnextPageToken
18retrieve approval info for usersACT/accessApproval/batchPOST


List<String> userIds

String accessRequirementId

List<AccessApprovalResult> results

String userId
String accessRequirementId
Boolean hasAccessApproval

List<OpenSubmission> openSubmissionList
String nextPageToken

String accessRequirementId
Long numberOfOpenSubmissions

ACTAccessRequirementStatus implements AccessRequirementStatus
String accessRequirementId
Boolean isApproved
SubmissionStatus current submissionStatus


String submittedBy
String submissionId
SubmissionState state
String rejectedReason
Long reviewedOn

String submissionId
SubmissionState newState (only APPROVED and REJECTED are valid)
String rejectedReason
List<String> accessRequirementIdList
List<AccessApprovalStatusResult> results
String accessRequirementId
String accessApprovalId (null if there is no AccessApproval associated with the given access requirement)
SubmissionStatus submissionStatus (null if there is no DataAccessSubmission associated with the given access requirement)
FailureCode failureCode (UNAUTHORIZED, NOT_FOUND)


GET /accessRequirement/{id}/dataAccessRequestGET /accessRequirement/{id}/dataAccessRequestForUpdate
user has not created a requestNotFoundExceptionempty DataAccessRequest
user has a request, zero APPROVED submissionthe created DataAccessRequestthe created DataAccessRequest
user has an APPROVED submission, requires renewalthe created DataAccessRequestre-filled DataAccessRenewal
user has an APPROVED submission, renewal not requiredthe created DataAccessRequestthe created DataAccessRequest
String objectId

RestrictableObjectType objectType

boolean hasUnmet

TermsOfUseAccessRequirementStatus implements AccessRequirementStatus
String accessRequirementId
boolean isApproved


ConditionTarget UserNotes
1After a new submission is createdACT memberIncludes link to a page that manages the dataset's access requests
2After a submission is approvedRequestorIncludes link to view request
3After a submission is rejectedRequestor

Includes reason

Includes link to create a new request from the rejected one

May Summary

By May 2017, we have completed #1-4, #7 & #8 under Solution. We have implemented all APIs listed under Services. The feature is under alpha in stack-180.

From user's feedback, we still need to provide the following:

  1. Need notifications for ACT when there is a new submission - may only get 1-2 requests a week for old dataset.
  2. Revoking access - when user is removed in an updated request, revoke user access.  System should send a message to the people removed (Amy to help with messaging).
  3. Bundle submission together (like Brian suggested) to see latest + history.  May be able to work around if we have ability to sort by institution, and filter by Submitted By.
  4. RENEWAL SUPPORT.  ACT currently manually revokes user access.  We need to help support the existing process in the new system, or automate it. To help support, they need ability to filter by the date granted access, and ability to get the list of emails.  Alternatively, system could automatically send out emails at specific reminder dates, and auto-revoke access after expiration.  

As a path moving forward, we decided that when we bring the feature out of alpha, an ACT member can continue managing access outside of Synapse, or switch to use the new system. To be able to achieve this, SWC needs to know if an ACTAccessRequirement was configured to use Synapse to keep track of Submission. 

After a discussion, we conclude on:

  1. Making AccessRequirement version-able. 
  2. An access approval grants a user access to a specific access requirement version.
  3. On download, if a user have access approval for any version of the access requirement, the user meets the conditions specified by that access requirement.
  4. A new API need to be added to retrieve a version of an access requirement.
  5. Retrieving restriction information API needs to be generic (taking an ID and subject type instead of being specific for entity only)
  6. A submission points to a particular access requirement version. 
  7. Retrieving Access Requirement Status always include information about whether or not a user have met the conditions specified by the access requirement regardless of version.