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Templated Configuration
We use a configuration system to help us enforce isolation between our service stacks, our daemon stacks, dev vs. prod, etc...
The build when running as dev has everything it needs to be configured correctly.
non-dev property overrides
Non-dev property override files belong in versioned S3 bucket Make a subfolder to keep things tidy.
S3 Versioning documentation
Note that the AWS Console does not shows the versions of the config files but you can see them via:
Code Block |
~/> --id platform
dev (local) property overrides
What to put in a local property override file
Right now it would need to be the concatenation of these files (and likely more in the future):
Code Block |
<org.sagebionetworks.stack.configuration.url>file:///Users/deflaux/Config/</org.sagebionetworks.stack.configuration.url> |
How to get an/or use an encryption key
Recommended For your local stack, you can use the encryption key from sodo sodo:/work/platform/PasswordsAndCredentials/StackCredentials/devEncryptionKey.txt