Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

File view driving this tableDEPRECATED: Please see Data File entry for CSBC/PSON below with the rest of the portals.

This describes the 'Explore Data' table.

This is not a card, but an explore table.

Table driving this:!Synapse:syn21346411/tables/

Previously used a file view to drive Explore Data!Synapse:syn9630847/tables/

The following is a brief description of the relevant columns in the table below (by column header):

column portal name: name as it should appear in data portal

current synapse file view column: corresponding name (e.g., for SQL query) in Synapse table view

eventual synapse file view column: name (e.g., for SQL query) in Synapse table view that we will eventually migrate to

difference between current and eventual columns: as we migrate to GDC, we will put new annotation keys in "eventual" column names. for now, use "current."

facet: true if column_name should be faceted in data portal.

card location: primary (i.e., top) or secondary (i.e., bottom) key/annotation

desired for CSBC/PS-ON: should this column be included in the CSBC data portal


The following have been added to the synapse table, but are blank. They need to be filled in:

eventual Grant TypeyesNA
column namecurrent synapse file view columnportal namesynapse file view columnfacetcard locationconceptexampleGDC equivalentfaceted on GDCfacet on CSBCGDC referencesizerestricted valuescommentsin AMP-AD portalin NF portal
File NamenamenoU54 or U01GrantyesNAProgramyesNACSBC or PSONThe name (or part of a name) of a file (of any type).




Scientific ThemeNAThemethemeyessecondary(or possibly pill directly beneath file name)

Data CategoryassayNAdata_categoryyessecondarynoBroad categorization of the contents of the data file.
  • Transcriptome Profiling

CSBC will need to add values to those in GDC (which only cover sequencing)

Data TypeNAdata_typeno?NASpecific content type of the data file.
  • Exon Expression Quantification
  • Gene Expression Quantification
  • Isoform Expression Quantification
  • Splice Junction Quantification

CSBC will need to add values to those in GDC (which only cover sequencing)

Data FormatfileFormatdata_formatno?NAyesFormat of the data files.
  • CSV
  • HDF5
  • TSV
  • TXT
  • SDRF
  • IDF
  • ADF

Experiment StrategyAssayassayexperimentalStrategyexperimental_strategyyessecondaryThe sequencing strategy used to generate the data file.  REMOVE "sequencing" for CSBC.
  • RNA-Seq
  • Total RNA-Seq

CSBC will need to add values to those in GDC (which only cover sequencing)

File NamenoprimaryThe name (or part of a name) of a file (of any type).file_namenonofile_sizenoNA_sizeNAnoThe size of the data file (object) in bytes.

md5sumNAnoNAThe 128-bit hash value expressed as a 32 digit hexadecimal number (in lower case) used as a file's digital fingerprint.



Disease Tumor TypetumorTypeyessecondaryThe text term used to describe the type of malignant disease, as categorized by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O).
  • Acinar Cell Neoplasms
  • Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas
  • Adnexal and Skin Appendage Neoplasms
  • Basal Cell Neoplasms
  • Blood Vessel Tumors

SiteyesNAsecondarynoThe text term used to describe the general location of the malignant disease, as categorized by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O).
  • Accessory sinuses
  • Adrenal gland
  • Anus and anal canal
  • Base of tongue
  • Bladder

EthnicityNAnoNAAn individual's self-described social and cultural grouping, specifically whether an individual describes themselves as Hispanic or Latino. The provided values are based on the categories defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Business and used by the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • hispanic or latino
  • not hispanic or latino
  • Unknown
  • not reported
  • not allowed to collect

GendernosexNAyesText designations that identify gender. Gender is described as the assemblage of properties that distinguish people on the basis of their societal roles. [Explanatory Comment 1: Identification of gender is based upon self-report and may come from a form, questionnaire, interview, etc.]
  • female
  • male
  • unknown
  • unspecified
  • not reported

RaceNAnoNAAn arbitrary classification of a taxonomic group that is a division of a species. It usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a species and is characterized by shared heredity, physical attributes and behavior, and in the case of humans, by common history, nationality, or geographic distribution. The provided values are based on the categories defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Business and used by the U.S. Census Bureau.
  • white
  • american indian or alaska native
  • black or african american
  • asian
  • native hawaiian or other pacific

TissuetissueyessecondaryThe text term used to describe the anatomic site of origin, of the patient's malignant disease, as described by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O).
  • Abdomen, NOS
  • Abdominal esophagus
  • Accessory sinus, NOS
  • Acoustic nerve
  • Adrenal gland, NOS
diagnosis/tissue_or_organ_of_originyesyes (can we facet by range–i.e., between age 20 and 30?)NAAge at the time of diagnosis expressed in number of days since birth.


Grant TypegrantTypeyes
U54 or U01




Primary DiagnosisNAnoNAText term used to describe the patient's histologic diagnosis, as described by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O).
  • Abdominal desmoid
  • Abdominal fibromatosis
  • Achromic nevus
  • Acidophil adenocarcinoma
  • Acidophil adenoma

ProgressionNAnoNAYes/No/Unknown indicator to identify whether a patient has had a new tumor event after initial treatment.
  • yes
  • no
  • unknown
  • not reported
  • Not Allowed To Collect

Vital StatusNAnoNAThe survival state of the person registered on the protocol.
  • alive
  • dead
  • lost to follow-up
  • unknown
  • not reported

Sample TypeNAnoNAText term to describe the source of a biospecimen used for a laboratory test.
  • Additional Metastatic
  • Additional - New Primary
  • Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow, Post-treatment
  • Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood, Post-treatment
  • Blood Derived Normal
  • Bone Marrow Normal
  • Buccal Cell Normal
  • Cell Line Derived Xenograft Tissue
  • Cell Lines

Tissue TypeNAnoNAText term that represents a description of the kind of tissue collected with respect to disease status or proximity to tumor tissue.
  • Tumor
  • Normal
  • Abnormal
  • Peritumoral
  • Unknown
