Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This is the specification of the command set for Synapse clients.  The goal is to align the command sets for clients in different languages to ease users' transitions between languages.  Additionally we define the organization of the file cache so that various clients arrange local copies of file consistently.

Note:  This effort to create common command sets between R and Python has been subsumed by the creation of the "synapser" R package which wraps the Python client, automatically generating matching commands.  Nevertheless this document serves as a valuable reference for the core methods and especially the design of the client file cache mechanism.

Table of Contents

Synapse File Management


The analytical clients provide for client-side caching of Synapse files, to avoid unnecessarily retrieving (large or many) files that are already available locally.  When a file is uploaded or downloaded the client keeps track of the location along with information to determine if it is later changed.  Specifically, the client maintains a "Cache Map" whose keys are local file locations and whose values are UTC last-modified-on times.  The use of this map is as follows: 



synStore is called to upload a new file to Synapse.A new entry is made in the Cache Map.

synStore is called to upload a File object which has already been uploaded to Synapse.

(i.e. same name, Synapse ID, file path, parent, etc.)

  1. The associated 'last modified' time in the File Cache is compared to the 'last modified' time for the file. 
  2. If the timestamps are the same no upload occurs. 
  3. Otherwise the file is uploaded (generating a new FileHandle ID) 
  4. A new Cache Map entry is created with the FileHandleID and timestamp. 

The old entry is left in place, since some other in-memory File object may reference the same local file.

synGet is called for a File object which has not been downloaded locally.
  1. The File metadata are retrieved, including the FileHandleID.
  2. Since there is no entry in the Cache Map, the file is downloaded and an entry made in the Cache Map.
synGet is called for a File object which has been downloaded locally with a different target location.
  1. The File metadata are retrieved, including the FileHandle ID.  
  2. An entry is found in the Cache Map for the given FileHandle ID, but not for the given location. 
  3. If any currently downloaded file in the Cache Map for the FileHandle ID has an unchanged 'last modified' timestamp, it is copied to the new location.
  4. Otherwise, the file is downloaded from Synapse to the new location.  
  5. A new Cache Map entry is created for the new file.  

We do NOT make the new File object point to the cached file, since unexpected behavior would result when multiple File objects modify the same on-disk file.

synGet is called for a File object which has been downloaded locally with the same target location.
  1. The File metadata are retrieved, including the FileHandle ID.   
  2. An entry is found in the Cache Map for the given FileHandle ID and location.  
  3. If the cached timestamp matches the 'last modified' timestamp for the file, no download occurs. 
  4. If the local file is *missing*, then the file is downloaded.  
  5. Otherwise, the action depends on the "ifcollision" mode specified for synGet:  
    1. "overwrite.local":  The file is downloaded to the target location and the Cache Map entry is updated with a new timestamp;
    2. "keep.local":  No download occurs.  The File references the locally modified file at the given location;
    3. "keep.both":  The file is downloaded to the target location, but given a modified local file name.  A second entry for the FileHandle ID is made in the Cache Map.

Cache Location

When a file is downloaded, specifying the file location is optional.  By default, the file is placed in a cache folder along with a Cache Map file.  


Note: the file separator is "/" regardless of the platform (that means 'native' path strings on Windows must be cross-platform normalized before being written into a cache-map file.)

File locking


Problem: Clients may concurrently access files on the same file cache; Only 1 client may access the cache map at a time to prevent multiple processes from overwriting or mangling data.

A client must "lock" a .cacheMap file before accessing it.  Opening a file with write access does not lock it on all platforms, therefore we use the following convention, which all clients must follow: 

  • To lock a file <filename> a client must successfully create an (empty) folder in the file's parent folder and named <filename>.lock.  (Folder creation is atomic and exclusive across platforms.  This lock folder acts as a mutex object.)  
  • If the client is successful, it has exclusive access for ten (10) seconds from the time the lock folder is created.  
  • When the creation time stamp is older than ten seconds, any client may delete the lock folder and the client which has created the folder is obligated to refrain from accessing <filename> unless it locks the file again.  The time limit prevents stale locks from blocking other clients.  
  • If the client cannot obtain a lock within seventy (70) seconds, it should throw an appropriate exception.
  • The client creating the lock should delete the lock folder when it's done accessing <filename>.


File Usage Examples

In each example, we have a project in which the File will reside:


Code Block
# we use 'synapseStore=F' to indicate that we only wish to link
file <- File(path="file:///corporatenfs/sharedproject/genotypedata.csv", synapseStore=F, name="genotypedata", `Id=pid)
# Synapse stores the metadata, but does not upload the file
file <- synStore(file)

# Now assume a new session, perhaps by a different user
# synGet downloads the file to a default location
# we use 'downloadFile=F' to indicate that we do not need a new copy on our local disk
file <-synGet(fileId, downloadFile=F)
> "/corporatenfs/sharedproject/genotypedata.csv"
# now change the meta data and save
synAnnot(file, "data type")<-"SNP"
# since the File was created with "synapseStore=F", synStore does not upload the file


Examples Provenance

Provenance can be handled either implicitly by creating it when something is saved/created in Synapse or explicitly by modifying the provenance record of something already in Synapse.  For most use cases implicitly creating the provenance record should be enough.


Code Block
titleR code
myFile <- synStore(File("/path/to/file", parentId="syn123"), used=list('syn445865', 'syn1446185'))


#Lets store some code that was executed to generate another file and reference this code as being executed


Code Block
titleR code
myCode <- synStore(File("/path/to/script.R", parentId="syn123"))
myFile <- synStore(File("/path/to/file", parentId="syn123"), used=list('syn445865', 'syn1446185'), executed=myCode)


#To specify the name of the activity that was performed you can specify the name and description of the activity


Code Block
titleR code
myFile <- synStore(File("/path/to/file", parentId="syn123"), used=list('syn445865', 'syn1446185'), 
                   activityName="Manual editing of file", 
                   activityDescription="Corrected spelling of variable names")


Example 2: Creating a provenance record referencing things files stored on the web


The construction of a Table consists of creating column models by performing a POST on /column which returns a ColumnModel and then creating the entity by posting a TableEntity to /entity/.  The Table entity should contain a list of column ids obtainable from the list of columnModels. 

Code Block
#Create a local representation of a table
table synapseclient.Table(name=foobar, parent=syn123, columns=[{columnType:int, name:'age'}, {columnType:string, name:'gender', enumValues=['m', 'f']}])
table =


syn.describeTable(id|Table)  that outputs the information about the column models. Also perhaps passing a details=true would return information about the size of the table by running a query "select count" and information about the values in columns by doing "select unique(c)" for each  each string column c and perhaps "select min(c), max(c)" for numeric columns. 


Command Set

We conceptual divide the client commands into three levels (1) Common functions, (2) Advanced functions and (3) low-level Web API functions.  The first collection of commands captures the majority of functionality of interest to users. The second collection rounds out the functionality with less frequently used functions.  The third set comprises simple, low level wrappers around the Synapse web service interface.  By including this third set users can access web services in advance of having specialized commands in the analytic clients.




R Syntax

Python Syntax

Command Line Syntax

1 – Common functions



Create a Synapse file handle in memory, specifying the path to the file in the local file system, the name in Synapse, and the Folder in Synapse.  This step 'stages' a file to be sent to Synapse. Additional parameters (...) are interpreted as properties or annotations, in the manner of synSet(), defined below.  If 'synapseStore' is TRUE then file is uploaded to S3, else only the file location is saved.

Note:  synapseStore=T is not allowed if "path" is a URL rather than a local file path.

The specified file doesn't move or get copied.

File(path, parentId, synapseStore=T, ...)



File(path="/path/to/file", parentId="syn101")

File(path, parentId, synapseStore=True, **kwargs)



File('/foo/baz/bar.txt', 'syn123')


Create a Synapse file handle in memory which will hold a serialized version of one or more in-memory objects.  Additional parameters (...) are interpreted as properties or annotations, in the manner of synSet(), defined below. If 'synapseStore' is TRUE then file is uploaded to S3, else only the file location is saved.

The object is not serialized at this time. 

(We are hoping people will like calling the object a File, even though it's a collecton of in-memory objects.)





file<-addObject(file, obj)


Will not be implemented in python.


Create a Folder or Project in memory. Name and parentId are optional.


Folder(name=NULL, parentId=NULL, ...)

Project(name=NULL, ...)

Folder(name="foo", parentId="syn101")

Folder(name="foo", parentId="syn101", **kwargs)

Project(name="foo", **kwargs)


Set an entity's attribute (property or annotation) in memory.  Client first checks properties, then goes to annotations; (setting to NULL deletes it in R, using DEL operator in python deletes it)

TODO:  we want to include files and (for R) in memory objects

synAnnot(entity, name)<-value


synapse update id --parentId syn101

Gets an entity's attribute value (property or annotation) from the object already in memory.


synAnnot(entity, name); returns NULL if undefined; throws exception if value is undefined


Create or update an entity (File, Folder, etc.) in Synapse.  May also specify (1) the list of entities 'used' to generate this one, (2) the list of entities 'executed' to generate this one, (3) the name of the generation activity, and (4) the description of the generation activity, (5) whether a name collision in an attempted 'create' should become an 'update', (6) whether to 'force' a new version to be created, and (7) whether the data is restricted (which will put a download 'lock' on the data and contact the Synapse Access and Compliance team for review.

TODO:  Give some examples.

synStore(entity, used=NULL, executed=NULL, activityName=NULL, activityDescription=NULL, createOrUpdate=T, forceVersion=T, isRestricted=F)



synStore(entity, activity=NULL, createOrUpdate=T, forceVersion=T, isRestricted=F), used, executed, activityName=None, activityDescription=None, createOrUpdate=True, forceVersion=True, isRestricted=False), activity, createOrUpdate=True, forceVersion=True, isRestricted=False)

synapse create --name NAME --parentid PARENTID --description DESCRIPTION

--type TYPE

--file PATH




--annotations={foo=bar, bar=foo}

Delete an object from Synapse.  In the case of entities, move to the trash can.




synapse.delete(synid), synapse.delete(entity), synapse.delete(wiki), synapse.delete(evaluation), synapse.delete(activity) ##TODO, synapse.delete(submission)


Get an entity (file, folder, etc.) from the Synapse server, with its attributes (properties, annotations) and, optionally, with its associated file(s).  ifcollision is one of "keep.both", "keep.local", or "overwrite.local", telling the system what to do if a different file is found at the given local file location.

'download' and 'load' are ignored for objects other than Files.  If a downloadLocation is not provided a default location is used.  Collisions with existing files are handled according to the 'ifcollision' parameter.  Note, 'downloadLocation' must be a directory.

synGet(id, version, downloadFile=T, downloadLocation=NULL, ifcollision="keep.both", load=F)

synapse.get(id, version, downloadFile=True, downloadLocation=None, ifcollision="keep.both")

synapse get ID -v NUMBER

Get the downloaded location of the file associated with a File object.

If synGet was called with download=FALSE, getFilePath() NULL.






Open the web browser to the page for this entity.


onWeb(entityId) / onWeb(entity)

synapse.onweb(entityId) / synapse.onweb(entity)

synapse onweb id


If fields are omitted, then values are retrieved from the configuration file or from cached API keys.

synapseLogin(username = "", password = "", sessionToken = "", apiKey = "", rememberMe = False)


synapse.login(email=None, password=None, sessionToken=None, apiKey=None, rememberMe=False, silent=False)


synapse login -u USER -p PASSWORD


localOnly=T delete any local copies of sessionToken or apiKey

localOnly=F: -> (1) if client has sessionToken, then call "DELETE /session"; (2) do the localOnly part


synapse.logout(local=False, clearCache=False)

synapse logout

invalidate API key


invalidate API key




2 –Advanced functions



Execute query

TODO:  pagination, e.g. the function returns an iterator. Look at current implementation in R client.



synapse query

Find the Entities having attached file(s) which have the given md5.

Returns an EntityHeader list.




we talked about this, but is it needed?




we talked about this, but is it needed?



  Retrieve the wiki

Retrieve the wiki for an object (Entity or Evaluation)



synGetWiki(owner, id)

synapse.getWiki(owner, subpageId)



synapse.getWiki(evalution, 2342)


Retrieve wiki headers of evaluation or entity




where owner is an evaluation or entity


Wiki construction


WikiPage(owner, title, markdown, attachments)

WikiPage(owner, title, markdown, attachments, parentWikiId)

'attachments' is a list of local file paths

Wiki(owner, title, markdown, attachmentFileHandleIds, parentWikiId=None)








synapse.setAnntotations(entity/entityId, annotations)





Access properties, throwing exception if property is not defined.










Access property, throwing exception if property is not defined.





Access property, throwing exception if property is not defined. Setting to NULL deletes.





Create an Activity (provenance object) in memory.


Activity(name, description, used, executed)

Activity(name, description, used, exectuted)


Set the list of entities/urls 'used' (not 'executed') by an Activity.





Set the list of entities/urls 'executed' (not 'used') by an Activity.





Get the list of entities/urls 'used' (not 'executed') by an Activity.






Get the list of entities/urls 'executed' (not 'used') by an Activity.





Create or update the Activity in Synapse




Get the Activity which generated the given entity.


synGetActivity(entity) / synGetActivity(entityId)



Empty trash can


Restore from trash can


Run code, capturing output, code and provenance relationship.


synapseExecute(executable, args, resultParentId, codeParentId, resultEntityProperties = NULL,  resultEntityName=NULL, replChar=".")

synapse.execute(executable, args, resultParentId, codeParentId, resultEntityProperties = None,  resultEntityName=None, replChar=".")


Create evaluation object


Evaluation(name, description, status)

Evaluation(name, description, status, contentSource)


Retrieve an Evaluation.

Create evaluation object

Evaluation(name, description, status)

Evaluation(name, description, status, contentSource)


Retrieve an Evaluation.




Submit for evaluation

teamName is used only when the Evaluation queue is part of a Challenge.  teamName is the (unique) name of a Synapse Team, registered for the Challenge.

submit(evaluation, entity, submissionName, teamName)

synapse.submit(evaluation, entity, name=None, teamName=None)

synapse submitEvaluation

Adds participant to evaluation, userId is optional


Synapse.addEvaluationParticipant(evaluation, userId=None):


Get the participants in an evaluation




Returns an iterator of submissions


synGetSubmissions(evaluationId, myown=F, status, limit, offset)

Synapse.getSubmissions(evaluation, status=None):


Get specific submission


synGetSubmission(id, downloadFile=T, downloadLocation=NULL, ifcollision="keep.both", load=F)

Synapse.getSubmission(id, downloadFile=True, downloadLocation=None, ifcollision="keep.both"):


Get status of of submission






Get a user profile (own or other's)

When retrieving own profile, all fields are returned.  When retrieving other's profile, only public fields are returned.




3  Table functions

Basic Table functions    
Basic Table functions

Create a Column definiition in and type are required.  default, values and maxSize are optional.TableColumn(name, type, default, values, maxSize)new table.Column(name, type, default, values, maxSize)

Store a Column definition in Synapse.


Create a schema in memory

'column's are TableColumn objects or IDs.

TODO:  Can 'parentId' be any entity or just a project?  If the latter, change from 'parentId', to 'projectId'.

schema<-TableSchema(name, parentId, columns,  ...)


schema=new table.Schema(name, parentId, columns, **kwargs)

TODO:  Add commands to add/remove columns from a table.

Store the schema to Synapse.


schema =


Retrieve the schema.


Delete the table.






Create a set of rows in memory.

values may be a data frame or a path to a CSV file. schema is a TableSchema or its ID.

Returns a Table object, suitable for upload to Synapse.

t<-Table(tableSchema, values)


t = table.values(schema, values)


Store table content in Synapse.

Stores Table in Synapse.

If 'retrieveData' is true then return a TableDataFrame, else return the number of uploaded rows.

If verbose=TRUE (the default), shows a progress bar.

rs<-synStore(t, retrieveData=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)rs =, retrieveData=False, verbose=True)

Delete rows from a table.table is a TableDataFrame.  The rows indicated by the row labels are deleted.synDeleteRows(table)synapse.deleteRows(table)

Query a Table. 

Result is saved in a local file.  If loadResult is true, it is loaded into memory as well.

If "verbose" is TRUE then show progress.

downloadLocation is and optional specification of where the downloaded file should go.  If omitted the file will be written into the file cache.

User may specify pagination.


Note:  data frames returned have row labels of the form "<row>-<version>" e.g. "101-2".  These rows labels are required when submitting updates to Synapse.

queryResult<-synTableQuery(sqlString, loadResult=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, downloadLocation)rs = synapse.tableQuery(sqlString, loadResult=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, downloadLocation)

3.2 Table convenience functions:

Create table columns in memory from data frame.

columns<-as.TableColumns(dataframe)columns = table.asColumns(pandasFrame)


columns = table.asColumns(filePath)


Download the file for a given cell (row, column) in a table.
'table' provides both the Synapse ID and version. 

For R client, 'table' can be an ID or a Table object. 

If it's an ID, then the current/latest version is used.

The parameters 'downloadLocation', 'ifcollision' and 'load' are defined as in 'synGet' and 'synGetSubmission'.





columnName, downloadLocation=NULL, ifcollision="keep.both

", load=F



filePath<-synDownloadTableFile("syn12345", "42_2", "genotype")

columnName, downloadLocation=None, ifcollision="keep.both")

4 – Web API Level functions


Execute GET request

See details below.

synRestGET(uri, endpoint)

synapse.restGET(uri, endpoint=None)*


Execute POST request

See details below.

synRestPOST(uri, body, endpoint)

synapse.restPOST(uri, body, endpoint=None)*


Execute PUT request

See details below.

synRestPUT(uri, body, endpoint)

synapse.restPUT(uri, body, endpoint=None)*


Execute DELETE request

See details below.

synRestDELETE(uri, endpoint)

synapse.restDELETE(uri, endpoint=None)*


Get the current set of web service endpoints.




Set the web service endpoints.

If no arguments are passed, then reset to the default endpoints.

synSetEndpoints(repo, auth, file, portal)



*The endpoint defaults to repoEndpoint and it would be useful to be able to pass arbitrary named arguments that are just passed on to the underlying http library.  For python for example the stream and file parameters could be useful to pass along the the filehandle requests for get and put. 


The Web APIs are defined here:

Synapse REST APIs


Common Configuration File


  • Username, password, session token, or API key

  • File cache location (should be private to the user)

  • Endpoints for each of the Synapse services


Code Block
[authentication] username = password = samplePassword sessionToken = 1234567890asdfghjkl apikey = Some+API+key+retrieved+from+either+the+web+portal+or+via+a+REST+GET+call+to+/secretKey==   [cache] location = ~/.synapseCache   [endpoints] repoEndpoint = authEndpoint = fileHandleEndpoint = portalEndpoint =   

Appendix:  Current implementation of the file cache in the R Client:

  • files are cached (meatadata used to be cached in entity.json)

  • cache is mix of read/write

  • each entity version has a location within the cache is based on its URI (e.g. .synapseCache/<entityId>/<locationId>/version/<version>)

    • files.json specifies what resides within the archive
    • <fileName> file which R Client currently assumes to be a zip (this is immutable by convention until storeEntity is called)  (TODO:  What happens when it is not a zip archive)
    • <fileName>_unpacked directory within which all unzipped content lives
      • this subdirectory is writable (by convention)
      • re-stores file if not an archive (both as <fileName> and <fileName>_unpacked/<fileName>)








