Each team/site should establish a data liaison that is responsible for tasks and triage responsibilities. In addition to the data liaison, teams should establish individuals who will be responsible for uploading data to Sage. This should be someone familiar with the command line, R, and/or Python because the files will need to be uploaded in bulk programmatically.
MODEL-AD Members
Data Liaisons and Uploaders
Team |
Data Liaison
Contact & Role | |
Data liaison
Data uploader
| |
IU |
Chris Lloyd
Jill Meyer
Data liaison
| |
Pitt |
Data liaison
Data liaison
Data uploader
| |
Sage |
DCC Director
Curator / Sage liaison
Synapse Accounts
Joining Team
Roles and Responsibilities
Each site should establish a data liaison that is the primary contact responsible for data coordination tasks and triage. Teams should also establish individuals who will be responsible for transferring data files to Sage. This should be someone familiar with R or Python because the files will need to be uploaded programmatically.
Synapse Accounts
Team members that will be involved in data contribution , and that you want to be attributed on the portal as essential for the goals of the grant, needs need to register for a Synapse account. We will link to the Synapse accounts under your grant in the portal (See this MODEL-AD grant I used as an example), feature them under the 'explore people' tab, and on the home page (see our people and institutions - this requires that the profile has a photo). We recommend that you put your full name and institution, a Profiles should include your full name, institution, photo, and a brief bio (or link to one) in the profile.
Each data uploader must register for a Synapse account, become a Certified User, Uploaders must become Certified Users and request membership to the MODEL-AD Data Upload Team.
Synapse accounts will be
Added to the Explore People page
Linked with the grant in the portal (eg, U54AG054345)
Featured on the AD Knowledge Portal homepage (profile photo required)