Versions Compared


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Comment: Update screenshot


Within an existing project or a new one, click the Wiki tab. Navigate to the Wiki Tools menu and select the Click Edit Project Wiki. Content in this project wiki becomes your project’s home page. You can add subpages to your project wiki that will become links on the left side of your home page (jump to read more in the subpages section below to read more).


To add a wiki to a folder or file, navigate to the folder or file and select Edit Wiki from the Tools menu. Content added to a wiki can be previewed before saving. To delete a wiki select Delete Wiki Page under the Wiki Tools menu.





Attach a file from your local computer to the wiki.

Button Link

Insert a button that links to content within Synapse or elsewhere. Tip: buttons can be colored purple by adding '&highlight=true' to the end of the widget markdown

Collapsible Section (Details/Summary)

Insert a label or heading that you can click to expand and reveal additional text.

Entity List

A list of Synapse folders, files or tables can be created by browsing to the Synapse location or searching by entity name or Synapse ID. The table lists entity name, date entity was created, who created it, and version and version notes (if selecting files, tables, or views).

File Preview

Embeds a preview window for .csv, .txt, and image files

Genome Browser

You can add a Biodalliance genome browser using tracks from files uploaded to Synapse or from external sources. Choose between Human or Mouse and adjust your tracks for height and color. See the Genome Browser section below for more information.


Embeds an JPG, PNG, GIF or SVG. The image can be uploaded, from the web, or from a Synapse file. Note: Images file names that have certain words (ie, ‘ad’) could be blocked if you are using an adblocker.

Join Team Button

Provide a button for people to join Synapse /wiki/spaces/DOCS/pages/1985446029.


Insert a URL or Synapse ID linked to text.

Provenance Graph

Embeds the provenance graph created for a file.


Create a reference list by linking to papers using the References widget.

Simple Plot

Insert a simple bar chart from a file or table.

Submit to Evaluation

Create a button for users to submit their entries to a Synapse challenge.

Table: Paste tabular data

A table can be created of any data by pasting tab delimited content into this widget window.

Table: Query on a Synapse Table/View

Provides a query for any Synapse table or view and displays the information in the wiki.

Table of Contents

Creates a content list that links to sections of the wiki based on headers and subheaders.

Team Badge

Creates a link to the team profile.

Team Member Count

Select a team to display the team member count.

Team Members List

Select a team to display a table of the team member names, institutions, and Synapse email addresses.


Tag a user by entering their Synapse username. You can also do this by typing ‘@’ while editing a wiki and enter the Synapse username or part of their full name in the dialog that appears.


Video, Vimeo Video, and YouTube Video insert a video from various sources.
